16-Jeff Atkins[Excuses]

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Meet me in the hallway when the classes are over I've got a surprise for you :)
You smiled as you read the handwriting you very well knew inked on the wrinkled notebook paper. As soon as the teacher turned to the blackboard and got immersed in writing down never-ending equations you looked at your side, finding a smirky Jeff facing the man but glancing at you from time to time to see your reaction.
He watched as you traced your pen through the white surface, and grabbed the note back when he felt your warm touch leaving the piece of paper in his hands. Unfolding it, he bit his lip to avoid a chuckle slip out of his mouth when he read your addition:
Meet me in the hallway when the classes are over, I've got a surprise for you :)
You need to pay more attention to Clay's tutorings.
See you there...
Through the Liberty High's empty corridors, you awaited for your favorite baseball player. Hundreds of blue lockers placed one next to the other observed as you grew more and more impatient in the meanwhile. You were about to text him when faint footsteps coming from the other end of the corridor stopped your actions.
"At last you're here! I was indeed about to leave" you said, trying to hide the grin seeing him provoked you. It was hard to get mad at him, whenever he stepped in the room with that stunning smile you knew was only yours, all your system weakened and you couldn't do anything but feel butterflies revolting in your tummy.
"Sorry babe, I had to get some stuff before coming here. Also Zach and Justin stopped me on the way, they wanted me to go to Bryce's with them" Just hearing that name made you uncomfortable, your countenance changing from smiley to uneasy. "Jeff, I don't want to be annoying, but you know I don't really like him, right?" You had never hanged out with him, but he was the most popular jock in the whole school, it was obvious he called everyone's attention. The few times you had seen him around the campus were enough to prove you he was everything but a good person. You were friends with Hannah, and the day she told you what he did to her at the store after the list controversy you got convinced about that conclusion even more.
"I know, I know. It's not like we're that close anyways. Clay is more a friend to me than he is" He assured you, stroking the side of your face to soften your aspect. "I don't want you to feel like I'm telling you what to do, just... be careful, okay?"
You knew Jeff was a good guy, you only tried to protect him. He had a kind and loving soul that wouldn't hurt anyone, and that was why you loved him so much. Most of the jocks believed they had a reputation to maintain and so behaved like complete idiots, even though some were absolutely far from being that. On the other hand, he didn't, and that was why he stood out from the rest. He wasn't afraid to speak his mind and stand for the weakest, he always tried to make them felt comfortable and part of the group.
He was loyal to his principles and that relieved you.
"Don't worry baby girl. I love that you care so much" He supported the bat you hadn't realised he carried on the wall and brought you by the back of your neck to his lips, placing a long, passionate kiss.
"Let's change subject. Remember that one time when you told me you were interested in learning how to play baseball?" "Yeah, like half a year ago..." He chuckled, shaking his head "Yeah, I know it's been a while but with all this tutoring thing and me trying to improve my grades, I haven't had the time to do it sooner" He grabbed your hand in his big one and brought it to his mouth, planting a kiss on it while staring at you "Will you please let me teach you now?" You playfully pretended you debated on whether giving in or not, though you both knew you were as eager as him "What are we waiting for?" You ran towards the field, leaving him behind and confused. You were outside the building when he began chasing after you.
The cold air of the outside hit harshly on your bare arms. The weather had been being uncertain lately those days: a day could begin sunny and mild, and end up rainy and cold as ever.
"Gotcha!" When he caught you he felt your freezing flesh. He didn't waste a second to take off his baseball jacket and put it on you, as he said "Damn baby. Here, put on this" Although you loved wearing his clothes and the smell they left on you afterwards, you couldn't help but feel concerned about him "What about you?" "I'm wearing a long sleeve shirt, don't worry" "But-" "No buts" You tried to complain once again, but he was fast to shut you up with a kiss.
"Mr. Atkins, I'm starting to think you're making everything an excuse to just kiss me" With a smirk that made him look hotter than he already was he replied "You're guessing right, baby girl. It's impossible not to do so!" He leaned for another but you backed, teasing him "Weren't we supposed to have a baseball lesson?" "I could also give you some kissing lessons" A pout got control of his lower lip. It was becoming more difficult for you to refuse "We already know how to do that... extremely well actually" Quitting his grip from your waist he gave up the insistence "Okay, whatever you say princess"
You had been thirty minutes into the lesson. The weather was windy and it was getting harder for you to hit the balls your boyfriend threw. Weak rain drops fell over your clothes, turning Jeff's jacket some shades darker in certain areas. You both hoped it eventually slipped away and had the atmosphere necessary to carry on.
But the day wasn't in the mood.
A loud thunder marked the beginning of a tremendous rain that had you both half soaked after the first few seconds. You were able to hear Jeff's chuckles from the distance that separated you, giving the situation the importance it had: none.
He ran towards you and grabbed your hand, guiding you to the inside at a fast pace. Half way before reaching the door, there was no inch of you that wasn't wet. Halting, he turned to face you "Screw this, I want my first kiss under the rain with you" He tossed everything away and cupped your face, kissing you in a gentle but heated manner.
Giggling, you said "Again, finding excuses to kiss me"
"Oh, shut up and place your lips on mine already!"

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