35-Justin Foley[sad boy]

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As promised here is a face reveal!!:)

Running out of his house, bag slung over his shoulder, Justin wiped his wet eyes on the sleeve of his varsity jacket, only for the tears to be replaced with new ones. He didn't stop until he couldn't run anymore, legs aching, throat burning. He had no idea where he was, he couldn't tell with his blurry vision. It was almost nightfall, not a person In sight. He fell to his knees, bag dropping with a loud thump, as a quiet sob passed his lips.
There was one thing Justin could think of doing. One person he wanted to talk to now, he needed to talk to right now. He reached into his pocket, hands trembling as he did so, retrieving his phone. He somehow found your contact, a picture of your beaming face on his screen, the image alone calming him down the tiniest bit. He shakily pressed the dial button, holding his breath while waiting for you to pick up. Begging you to answer.
One ring. Two ring.
More tears gathered in his eyes.
Three ring.
You were probably busy. You didn't need him as a burden.
Four ring.
More and more tears fell as another sob racked his body.
The world stopped. Justin's voice was caught in his throat, no words forming.
"Justin? You there?"
He couldn't help the cry he let out of his mouth.
"Justin?! Are you okay?"
The sound of your panicked voice, filled Justin's heart. You cared, you were the only one who cared.
It was only a whisper, something you shouldn't have caught but you did.
"Justin? What happened? What's wrong? What did they do?"
"I- I can't. I-"
The words wouldn't come out, as much as Justin tried.
"Where are you? I'm coming to pick you up" you stated.
Justin heard the jingling of keys through the phone.
"I- I don't know. There's houses and- and a-" he stuttered, trying to speak through the suffocation he was feeling.
"Justin. Stop. Breathe in. Breathe out. Now tell me, can you see a street sign anywhere?"
He did as you instructed, following your smooth, familiar voice.
"Risely Avenue" he said after a while.
"Stay where you are, I'm coming. And Justin?"
He blinked back more tears as he listened to you talk.
"Everything will be okay"
It was a mere 10 minutes before your familiar car drove up the street, headlights illuminating the otherwise dark road. Justin looked at the ground as he stood, ashamed to look at you in his current state. He heard the click of the car door opening, followed the by the clicking of your shoes on the gravel road. He managed to look up, eyes meeting with your warm ones. You stood right in front of him, inches away. You held your arms out and in less than a second, Justin fell into your arms.
He swallowed hard, trying to get rid of the lump in his throat.
"Hey" he replied, his voice a tiny squeak.
You pulled away, much to Justin's dismay. You picked up his bag from the floor and he didn't have the energy to protest, taking his hand in yours, you walked back to your car, settling them in. And then you drove.
You turned to look at your boyfriend of more than a year for a second before fixing your eyes back on the road.
"I- uhm I-"
"You don't have to explain Justin. Not now anyway"
You pressed your lips together, gently placing a hand on his knee while keeping the other on the steering wheel. He flinched at the sudden contact, but your hand stayed where it was.
"I'm sorry, I just I-"
He immediately started to apologise, even though you thought nothing of it and completely understood.
"Sh, Justin. Just relax, you're with me now" you assured, running a thumb across his jean clad knee.
He nodded, swallowing thickly, shutting his eyes and focusing on your soft touch. You flicked your eyes to him, watching his long eyelashes fall on his cheekbones. His eyes were red and puffy from crying, dried tears on his cheeks.
Soon enough, you reached your house, parking the car in the driveway. Justin opened his eyes, blinking a few times. You silently hopped out, grabbing his bag from the backseat before opening the passenger door.
"You don't have to do all this" Justin mumbled.
"Come on" you urged, ignoring his statement.
The two of you walked into your house, the warmth engulfing you both. You took his hand in yours, leading him to the spare bedroom.
"Have you eaten yet?" you questioned.
Justin shook his head, like you expected.
"Well, you know where the showers are, I'm going to heat up dinner okay?"
He nodded, looking at the floor. You could tell he was on the verge of another round of tears. You frowned, walking up to him and wearing your arms around his neck, placing a kiss on his cheek. You felt him smile, even if it was a small one.
You stepped away, smiling at him softly, before leaving the room. You walked to your kitchen, getting the leftovers from Robert out to heat them up. Nobody should be treated how Justin is. Justin didn't call you about this, usually going to Bryce's house or Alex's but not yours. He never wanted to bother you with his problems, thinking he would be a burden to you. It took Justin almost a year before he even told you about his condition at home and that was only after Zach accidentally mentioned it.
You took the food out of the microwave, placing it on the dinner table while waiting for him to arrive. Your parents were big business people, meaning they were out of town a lot of the time, so they bought you your own little house to stay in which they occasionally visited.
Ten minutes later, the sound of water running stopped, meaning Justin was out of the shower. Another ten minutes later, Justin padded into the dining room, where you were waiting for him. His hair was dripping wet, droplets trailing down the back of his neck. His eyes were redder, even puffier while his bottom lip quivered. What you noticed now was the significant bruises that had formed around his neck and the sight of all of this made you shatter a little on the inside. He tugged at his sleeves, still looking at the floor. He had changed into a pair of sweats and a t shirt.
You went to him, pressing a slight kiss on his shaking lips. You gripped his jaw with a feather-like touch, tilting it upwards to expose the purple and blue skin of his neck. You gingerly touched the large bruises that were vaguely in the shape of fingerprints. He gulped, Adam's apple bobbing under your thumb. You sighed and pulled away.
"Sit, Justin"
He listened to your words, taking a seat next to you. He picked up his fork, staring at his food with no intention of eating it.
"I'm not that hungry right now Y/N, I'm sorry for making you go to all this trouble-"
"It's fine Justin, I understand. Want to go to bed?" you offered.
He nodded, standing up from the table with you following suit. You put his plate back in the fridge before taking his hand and walking back to bed. You got in first, opening your arms and inviting him to lay with you. He complied immediately, putting his head on your shoulder, intertwining your legs.
"You have to report them Justin. Those bruises... they look bad. It's the worse it's gotten so far" you gulped, your own heart becoming heavy with the thought.
"I can't Y/N, I'll be shipped off to some foster home with people I don't even know and I might even have to move away. I'm not risking that"
You nodded, it was a hard decision for anyone.
"How are you feeling?"
As the words left his mouth, you felt wetness on your shoulder.
"Oh Justin, you don't need to act strong now. It's okay to be human" you whispered into his ear.
And those were all it took before he broke down for the third time that evening. His body shook violently as you held him tight.
"It'll all be okay Justin. I promise"
And in that moment, Justin realised that the only real place he felt safe was with you.

 I promise"And in that moment, Justin realised that the only real place he felt safe was with you

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Hahahah serious photo of me.

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