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*smut warning*


"It's not too much blood, right?" I asked Caroline as I stood in front of the mirror in our dorm room at Whitmore College.

"There's never too much blood on Halloween night!" Caroline giggled. "Right, Bonnie?"

"Never too much blood, especially for Damon." Bonnie smirked, placing her hands on my shoulders.

"She's right." Caroline laughed. "Damon will be all over you."

"Oh shut up, you guys." I shook my head. "Damon and I are just friends."

"Just friends?" Elena walked into the room wearing a nurse costume. "I seriously doubt Damon feels that way since he hits on everything that moves."

I rolled my eyes, annoyed with Elena's petty behavior. She didn't like Damon and seemed to judge me because of my friendship with him.

"Don't worry about Elena." Bonnie whispered. "She's just jealous that he likes you and not her."

"I can hear you." Elena growled. "I can hear you even without my vampire hearing."

"Elena, calm down." Caroline laughed. "We're joking."

"Whatever." She shook her head in annoyance. "I'm going to the party already."

"Bye." Bonnie chuckled as Elena left the room.

"What was her problem?" Caroline asked, running a brush through her hair as she fluffed her angel wings.

"I honestly think she misses being wanted by both the Salvatore brothers." Bonnie chuckled. "Which is weird given that she hated Damon's guts for the longest time."

"Why would she want both of them?" I asked. "She's already with Stefan, who she has dangling from a string."

"I have no idea." Caroline replied. "But let's stop worrying about the stick up Elena's ass and go to the Halloween party!"

"You invited Damon, right?" Bonnie asked.

"I did, but it's just as a-"

"Don't you dare say friend!" She cut me off. "There is no way you two are friends."

"Especially after tonight." Caroline grinned. "You look sexy and Damon will not be able to keep his hands off of you."

What the girls didn't know was that I had an enormous crush on Damon, and I was secretly hoping that something would happen tonight. All I had heard from Caroline and Bonnie was that Damon drooled over me, but I couldn't never decipher it for myself. I was hoping my vampire costume would be just the thing to get him to finally make a move.

I followed the girls into the frat house that the annual Whitmore College Halloween Bash was held at. Thousands of students had dressed up, and I walked into the house with a sigh of relief that I had found not a single costume like mine so far.

I had on a white coat, which Caroline and Bonnie had helped me splatter with fake blood. Underneath, I wore nothing but a black bra, which was out in plain sight since I only had my coat buttoned up halfway on Caroline's demand. I wore a tight black pencil skirt that hugged my curves and tall black pumps making me look at bit taller than my regular five foot two.

As I stepped into the house, the girls followed me through the hallways. My eyes were constantly on the lookout for him. I was wondering what he would dress up as, and if he would find my outfit appealing. I had purposely dressed as a vampire as a joke, however I was secretly hoping that he would drool for the fact that I was covered in blood, even if it was fake.

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