I Promise

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Super short, but cute, imagine tonight! Enjoy! 💕


I lay quietly in my bed staring up at the ceiling. The house was silent, almost too silent. I could feel my breathing quicken the more I thought about the terrifying situation I was in. Although I had vampire best friends to keep me safe, I was still on edge, my senses heightening every time I heard a sound. So when the door to my room swung open, I sat up and screamed.

"Hey, hey, hey, it's okay. It's just me." Damon quickly tried to calm me down as he closed the door behind him, the room becoming black again.

"Damon, you scared the crap out of me. I thought you were-"

"Klaus?" Even in the darkness I knew he was smiling. "I promise you, Callie, that we won't let him hurt you."

"I know, I'm just so on edge. He is an original vampire after all."

"You have two vampires protecting your house right now, and one protecting you. If Klaus comes looking for trouble, Stefan and Caroline will hold him off long enough for me to take you away."

"He wants me, Damon. He wants my blood and he's not going to stop until he gets it."

"Then we just have to ensure that he never does."

"This is Klaus we're talking about."

"You underestimate my abilities to keep you safe." Damon walked up to the edge of the bed, and with the moonlight streaming in through the curtains, I could see his icy blue eyes staring down at me.

"I'm worried. You know how I overthink everything when I'm worried."

"Sometimes I swear you're related to Caroline."

"Me too." I let a smile slip onto my lips.

"There's that smile that brightens up every room." Damon grinned. "I've missed it."

"It's been gone for awhile." I nodded. "Especially since Klaus and his entire family have come to town."

"I'll tell you what." Damon sat on the side of the bed. "When this whole Klaus thing blows over and he realizes that your blood is no use to him, I'll take you wherever you want to go. Paris, Rome, England. I want you to feel happiness again. I want to see that beautiful smile on your face every day."

"I'd like that." I sighed, settling in underneath the covers. "I'd like that a lot."

"Get some sleep." Damon smiled warmly, reaching forward to tuck a piece of my hair behind my ear. "I'll be right here the entire time to make sure Klaus can't hurt you."

"You won't leave?"

"I won't leave. I promise."

"Thank you." I mumbled, laying my head down on the pillow. "Goodnight, Damon."

"Goodnight, Callie." Damon replied, standing from the bed to move towards the window. "Sleep well."


I hope you all enjoyed! Don't forget to follow my Instagram (@ivoryconfessions) to see new promos for all of my books and find out about the next chapters before they're posted! Love you all!
xx lavender baby 💋

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