Wish (Deidara x Fictional! Y/N)

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So guys! This will be very much unlikely of Deidara and it is an AU. Where Deidara is a high school student.

3rd Person's P.O.V.

'Another day of tests and lectures..' Deidara thought to himself with a sigh. He then went to his room and immediately dashed in front of his computer, logging in to his Wattpad account and immediately went to his notifications. His eyes shone with happiness and excitement when he saw a new update of his favorite story, His Love From The Other Side (Idk if this is a real story. I just made it up in my head).

He immediately began reading the new chapter, getting absorbed in the story and would let out small squeals and even giggles while reading. He then saw a picture of (Y/N) and his happiness soared even more. The fictional character (Y/N), is Deidara's long time crush even though he doesn't exist.

Dei sighed when he finished reading the chapter. He wanted to read more and imagine himself to be (Y/N)'s love interest in the story. Though the author takes his precious time to update.

"Damn you, Itachi, un. You are an ass for updating so slow, un!" he said with a slight pout.

"Oi brat. Still frustrated about the author named Itachi for not giving you the right amount of '(Y/N) goodness'?" Sasori, his best friend and roommate teased which made the blond blush from embarrassment.

"Shut up, yeah? (Y/N) is just too perfect, hm! If he was real, I would give my all just to be with him.." Deidara said, fantasizing about his (Y/N).

Night came and Deidara still couldn't stop thinking about the fictional male which earned strange looks from the certain red haired male.

"Should I check you in on a mental institution, brat?" Sasori asked the blond who is still not done with his (Y/N) fantasies.

"Shut up, un!" Deidara said and went back to his made up world where (Y/N) exists.

"You know, he's not real and never will be real." Sasori said and Deidara frowned, decided to just sleep and dream about (Y/N) since 'Sasori is such an ass and wouldn't stop destroying his good mood'.

He slept peacefully but not before muttering a heartfelt wish.

"(Y/N), I wish you were real.." he mutters and slept.

Sasori actually felt bad about what he said to Deidara though..

'Someone's got to stop him before he turns crazy.' was his reason which was, sensible enough. He looked at the blond and sighed, going to sleep as well since they have loads of tests tomorrow.

(Timeskip~ Is brought to you by Kakashi's chidori 。゚(゚´Д`゚)゚。)

The next morning Deidara noticed that something was weird. The bed he was sleeping on seemed to be cramped and it was surprisingly more comfortable. He opened his eyes and managed to make a small squeak. He just saw (Y/N) laying down next to him. He blushed before slapping himself, even pinching to know that he was dreaming. He looked again and saw (Y/N), now facing him with an amused expression on his face. Deidara blushed even more and tried to slap himself again when a strong, yet gentle hand stopped his own.

"Don't slap yourself, Dei.." said a loving voice that made Deidara's heart skip a beat just hearing it.

"I-is this a dream, un? How come you became real?" Deidara asked while looking up at the other male.

"This is reality Dei.. You released me from the fictional world by wishing for me to be real." (Y/N) explained and Deidara could just smile.

"Wishes do come true, un!" he said and hugged (Y/N), just basking into the other male's embrace. Well the moment was perfect until Dei remembered something important. He have tests today and he was already late from school. He dashed around, getting ready while (Y/N) watched in amusement.

"See ya later, (Y/N)!" Deidara yelled and ran outside. (Y/N) couldn't help the chuckle escaping his lips as he watched the boy who have set him free.

"Yes, see you later, Dei."

(Extended ending (•ө•)♡)

Dei came home with a tired yet contented look on his face. His exhaustion quickly vanished when he saw (Y/N) preparing him dinner and was folding the clothes he forgot to fold.

"Welcome home, Dei." (Y/N) greeted and got up to wrap the blond haired male on a hug.

"How's school today?" the taller male asked and Deidara could only sigh in happiness.

"Well I got scolded for being late but you know what, un? It was all worth it, yeah!" Dei said with a happy smile on his face.

The two spent the night just being all lovey dovey while Sasori tried to ignore the lovebirds. 

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