Lucky to have you (Iruka)

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A/N: I dedicate this story to nahhumbug

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

I watched Iruka rush for work even though it's a weekend and supposedly his day off.

"Hey love.. Where are you going? It's supposed to be your day off." I asked while eating my breakfast. Well I prepared breakfast for us to share but he's too busy to have breakfast with me. I do understand but it's been weeks since we spent time together that we actually enjoy. The last few weeks during his day offs, he was way too busy creating lessons and grading papers that it feels like he forgot that I exist.

"Oh hey good morning (Y/N). Sorry babe I can't join you.. I have a meeting with the school administrators.. Sorry that we have to cancel our date today." he says as he was brushing his hair. I got up and brushed it for him but didn't say anything, yet. I finished before looking at him and sighed.

"Well atleast eat breakfast first before you go. Can't have you fainting during the meeting." I said the last part as a joke. I just want to share a plate of a hearty breakfast with him. I just want to have a fraction of his time.

"I'll just eat at school. Thanks for brushing my hair babe but I gotta go now. Bye!" he says and left hurriedly. I sighed and just sat down on the couch. Not even a goodbye kiss nor a hug. Nothing.

'He even forgot his own lunch..' I sighed as I stared at the lunch box I prepared for him. Another cancelled date with him.. Gahh! It's driving me crazy.

Iruka's P.O.V.

I sighed as I ate alone at the cafeteria. I hate cancelling dates with (Y/N) but I can't skip a meeting with the school administrators. It broke my heart seeing how sad (Y/N) looked without giving him a quick hug and a kiss before I left. It hurts me seeing him that sad.

"Mr. Umino, a man named (Y/N) came and delivered this lunch box. He said that you left it at home." the school guard said while setting the lunch box down the table. My eyes widened and could feel my chest clenching.

"When did he come here? Is he still outside?" I asked, getting up. I really messed up big time. I know (Y/N) is a very understanding person but I just crossed the limits. I've been neglecting him for weeks now.

"He already left. He also said that you should check your phone." the guard says before leaving my sight. I sighed and sat back down before grabbing my phone. There are missed calls, unread messages and they were all from (Y/N). He left some sweet messages and voice recordings to make me smile but I was too busy to even notice. I felt tears fall from my eyes after reading his last message.

'Hey love. I know this is a bad timing since you're already stressed from work but.. I don't know anymore. I tried to understand, to be patient.. But I'm already at my limits. I can't keep pretending that I'm okay even if I'm already crushed inside. I moved back to my old apartment for a moment so you can focus on your work some more.. I cleaned around the apartment for you and washed your uniforms and cooked dinner. It's at the fridge, just heat it up. I love you so much and I'm sorry.'

That's what it said. I stared at the lunch he made for me and ate it. Even if I have hurt his feelings for weeks, he still continued to care for me and try to make me happy. He was trying his best to help even though he's working as well. He didn't made work the reason to neglect me. I was his priority. But now, I pushed him away because of my own insensitivity. I have to make it up to him and make him feel loved. I have to make it up from all the weeks I have neglected him.

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

I know what I did was a bit wrong but I just can't keep on pretending that I'm okay. Iruka needs to know that I get hurt, too. Even if I'm the dominant one here, it doesn't mean that I don't get hurt as well. I made lots of efforts for him even if I don't get anything in return. I know Iruka would cry when he comes home to an empty apartment. God knows how much I wanted to go back to his apartment and welcome him with a warm smile but I have to stand my ground. I'll be a little selfish just for once. I want to feel that I'm still loved, still needed and still one of his priorities.

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