Facts about this fan fic

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•I wrote this fan fic because actually I wanted to explain a bit of Lafayette's history. The name of his children where the names of the actual children he had in real life. Also I was able to express more of the fanfic as this was my very first one I ever did and I'm proud of it.
•Another thing is that when I was making these The only time i got to make them is at 1:00 In the morning😅
•There was a biography about him. I forgot the name of what it really was but its so good.
•There where also Hamilton references if you can tell. Lams and other ships.
•the first time I ever wrote a lemon as I wanted to kill myself
• at the time I was learning about the French Revolution in class
•Lafayette real name is a very complicated thing google it people

I know this is short but what other FANFICS should I write about in Hamilton let me know in the comments.
Also if you have Instagram follow my hamilton fan account and my regular account
Anyway hope you like this and this won't be the last you ever heard from me.
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