Target acquired

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I woke up feeling good about today's rehearsal.

(I've got a good feeling about this new play!)

I did the basic morning necessities like taking a shower, brushing my long, golden blonde hair and teeth, having breakfast and packing my bag for rehearsal. I then changed out of my pyjamas into my everyday outfit consisting of; my pink and blue dress, my black shoes with white bows on, my dark blue jacket and my light pink bells with dark pink ribbons in my hair.

(My older sister bought them for me when I was younger and I've never taken them off, except to go to sleep or do a TV series, play or something. The jingle they produce is quiet enough not to annoy people. They can be loud but only if forcibly shook)

After getting ready and making sure I had my phone and script, I locked my door and happily walked to the theatre. For some reason I had the feeling that someone was watching me but I ignored it for the time being.

I arrived at the theatre a little early so I went to my dressing room and made sure I looked presentable for the Director. After doing so, I put my handbag down and took my script out. My script was pretty thick. This is because in the new play-Mismatch Or Perfect Match?-I was offered to play the female lead which I gladly accepted. As soon as I got the script, I read it over multiple times to memorise it. I had finished the script and the play was scheduled in a few months so the Director encouraged us that we could definitely get it right. A knock sounded and I stood up confused.

(I wonder who that could be?)

I opened the door and saw three men standing in the hallway

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I opened the door and saw three men standing in the hallway. "How can I help you?" The man that exuded a authoritative air had distinguishing silver hair and amber eyes. He wore a very expensive looking suit. Another had slightly wavy dark brown hair and green eyes, he wore a black zipped up coat over a purple hoodie. The hood was up causing half of his face to be hidden from view. The last man had shoulder length pale brown hair and dark red eyes. He was wearing a red and black coat, underneath that coat was a dark blue vest layered over a white long-sleeved shirt. The one thing the three men had in common was that they all had a blue rose lapel pin attached to their​ coats. "It is lovely to make your acquaintance Elena Walters​" He revealed a bouquet of blue roses from behind his back and handed them to me.
"Um thank you very much, they sure are uniquely coloured"
"Well I seem to have a certain fascination with the blue rose"
"I see, may I ask how you know my name?"
"I'm a fan of yours, so to speak. I fell in love with you when I saw you play Irene Adler in Mid-Fall Murderers"
"O-oh always nice to meet a fan, um...may I ask your name?"
"How rude of us for not introducing ourselves, I am James Moriarty. I teach at a university in the city"
"It's nice to meet you James"
"These are my friends; Sebastian Moran and Jack Stillman. Go on you two, introduce yourselves to Miss Walters" he gestured to the men by his side respectively.
"It's an honour to make your acquaintance Miss Walters" Jack smiled.
"...Hey" Sebastian murmured.
"Hello to the both of you" I was used to being surrounded by strangers but for some reason I felt uncomfortable around these men but I kept that to myself.
"Your depiction of Irene Adler in The Mid-Fall​ Murderers was absolutely awe-inspiring! Truly inspirational..."
"You're talking about that crime drama aren't you? One time James forgot to record it and he got so enraged that four people almost ended up dead" Jack stated with a bewildered look.
"It was five" Sebastian corrected.
"Out of the five of them one really DID die, so four almost ended up dead. I was right the first time"

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