Case agreement

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I gasped loudly as my body jolted upright. I was in a room unfamiliar to me. From what I could tell, it was a male's room. The duvet I was under was blue and I had been resting on a white pillow. The room itself was extremely tidy and organised. I noticed my neck was cold and realised a cold wet towel was wrapped around my neck. My wrists and ankles had white cream around them. From somewhere I could hear faint shouting.

(Where in the world am I?)

I tried to get out of bed but my legs wouldn't support me and I collapsed to the floor. Images flashed through my mind and my hand went to my neck.

(Someone strangled me... but I'm still alive...?)

The door opened and​ I looked up to see the doctor, John H Watson. "Are you okay?!" He kneeled down beside me.
"I-I just remembered what happened..."
"Please get back into bed, you're still in shock" He helped me up and back into bed.
"W-where am I...?"
"My bedroom on the third floor"
"I-I see..."
"You just rest and we'll talk in the morning" He smiled kindly at me.
"But where will you sleep...?"
"Don't worry about me, just get some sleep. If anything starts hurting I'll be downstairs in the living room"
"O-okay, thank you..."
"Sweet dreams" He closed the door and I snuggled into his covers. Sleep claimed me shortly after.


When I opened my eyes, Sherlock's face was in front of me causing me to yell out in surprise. I backed away from him before sitting up. "W-what were you doing there?!"
"Watching you. You mumble a lot in your sleep"
"W-why were you watching me sleep?! And for how long?!"
"I've been here since sunrise"
"WHAT?!" Footsteps sounded before the door opened.
"Elena are you-! oh, that explains it" Sherlock stood up. "You don't watch people sleep Sherlock, especially women! It makes then uncomfortable" John scolded Sherlock.
"I was ensuring that no further harm occurred to her"
"You could've done that from the sofa!"
"I chose to sit by the bed"
"That's because you're weird!"
"Um guys...?" They both looked at me.
"Sorry Elena, I got carried away. How does your neck feel?"
"It feels good"
"Do you mind if I check?" I shook my head and he sat on his bed before unwrapping the towel to check my neck. "The bruising has basically disappeared, that's a good sign. Show me your wrists please" I did as told and he examined them with a serious face before smiling. "The bruising is completely gone, it's a good thing those ropes weren't tied too tight"
"Thank you for looking after me"
"Don't mention it"
"I do have one question though" Before I could ask it, Sherlock spoke;
"You want to know how you got here"
"How did you..."
"John and Lestrade instructed me to apologise to you. Eventually they managed to force me to. We heard you scream. John and Lestrade stopped the men with their guns. Lestrade arrested them and John and I took you here"
"I see... I'm sorry for imposing"
"You're wondering if I've agreed to take your case now which I have"
"It's the least he could do for making you run out crying" John glared at Sherlock while he said this.
"Come downstairs and we'll discuss the case" Sherlock left as John sighed.
"I hope you can forgive his blunt nature"
"I'll have to learn to" I got out of bed and was a bit unsteady but I could walk.
"Are you okay to walk?"
"Yeah, thanks for the concern" John and I joined Sherlock downstairs in the living room. I sat on the sofa and John sat next to me. Sherlock sat in an arm chair opposite the sofa.
"Tell me everything that lead up to yesterday"
"W-well the day before last I felt like someone was watching me but I ignored it to focus on rehearsal. Then when I was on my way home, a car nearly smashed into me and there was no driver"
"No driver?!" I nodded to John's disbelieved face.
"That could have been an accident"
"I don't believe so. Before the car hit me I got a call from an unknown number, it was like they were trying to keep me distracted so the car could hit me" my hands shook and I clenched them in my lap. "I also got a text from the same unknown number saying that they wouldn't stop until I was dead"
"Can we see it?" John asked, I nodded and got my phone out of my handbag before pulling up the message and handing the phone to John. "You'll pay for what you did to her Elena...I won't quit until I see you buried under the ground. Have a nice day" John read aloud.
"So we're dealing with a sadist" Sherlock stated.
"I guess only someone without emotion would put 'Have a nice day' after a death threat" John said supporting Sherlock's point. Sherlock suddenly stood up and put on a light blue checkered scarf.
"Where are you going?"
"You have rehearsal today don't you?"
"Oh yeah... I almost forgot"
"I have work to get to as well. I'll see you later Elena"
"Bye Mr. Watson" He left and Sherlock did also. I quickly followed after him. As we walked, Sherlock started a conversation;
"This person that is trying to kill you has to be someone close to you or your family"
"Someone close?!"
"It's obvious if you analyse what's happened to you so far. This person loathes you for something you did and wants revenge. Maybe they're jealous of you landing this role, there are many reasons for someone to want to kill someone else" I looked down.

Guard Me Sherlock: Sherlock Holmes RouteWhere stories live. Discover now