Mismatch Or Perfect Match?

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I paced around feeling giddy and nervous at the same time.

(Tonight's the night the play premieres, I can't believe that much time has already passed...I hope I'll do well)

A knock sounded at my dressing room door and I opened it to see Mikah. "Mikah you came!"
"I wouldn't miss it! The ticket said 'bring a friend' but unfortunately I ended up with an adult chaperone instead" Then George walked into the room.
"Did you actually think I would let a primary school child go see an evening performance of a play all by himself?"
"So your adult chaperone is George? Is it okay for you to take time off work like this?"
"I'm off duty today, no problems here"
"'Off duty'? You've just got nothing to do more like, right?" I giggled at Mikah's statement, he sounded a lot like Sherlock.
"Mikah you're starting to sound like a certain annoying person who shall not be named. Although I guess that's to be expected since the adults you live with are such bad role models"
"Hey! I live in that house too!"
"I didn't mean you! I was mostly referring to the certain someone who I don't want to name"
"Hehe, it's okay. I knew who you were talking about"
"Well I'm going to buy some of those headshots of you in your costume, I'd like to give some to Sherlock. Good luck Elena, I'm sure you'll do great!"
"Thanks Mikah! But if it's photos you're after, you don't need to buy them. I can give them to you anytime and don't mind doing so"
"That wouldn't do at all. We need to do our part to drive sales and increase the financial success of the play. Anyway, I'm looking forward to it. See you later!"
"If you're sure. Bye Mikah" Mikah left the room and George lowered his voice a bit to say something to me;
"Mycroft naturally had to pull some strings but you've been cleared of any wrongdoing. Your records clean again"
"Thank God...I need to make sure to thank him"
"Regarding the situation with the Serpentines..."
"They got shut down by the police right?!"
"For the most part, yes. But a few members escaped the household before the police arrived. And there's still Oliver to worry about, when he's out of jail he may come after you"

(When my family heard about the Serpentines being arrested they were shocked. They had been working with us for so long but of course they didn't know about the death threats and criminal organisation hiding behind their business facade)

"I'm prepared for that, I just hope the other members are found before long"
"We're doing our best Elena, I just want you to know that"
"I know you are and I'm extremely thankful for it" I hugged George briefly out of gratitude.
"Scotland Yard even requested Sherlock's help to find the remaining members as a formal consultant"
"That's a good decision. I'm sure Sherlock will track them down"
"Yeah, let's hope he can"
"This is the greatest male detective we're talking about here"
"Yeah I guess so" George chuckled. "Well I can't leave Mikah alone as I'm his chaperone so I better get going too. I'm looking forward to the play!"
"Thanks George, I hope you'll enjoy my performance!" He left and I closed the door.

Now the time had come. To showcase a story of love between a foreign visiting prince and a commoner. A love that seemed imperfect on the surface but was surprisingly perfect deep down.


The production went off without a hitch and ended up being a huge success. As we did the curtain call, I could see everyone important to me clapping and cheering.

(Having everyone here watching me made me feel less nervous)

The audience left and I sat down on the edge of the stage. The feeling I had after a successful performance coursed through my being making me feel happy and a little bit sentimental. As I sat there, I felt someone place their hand on my shoulder. I looked up to see Ally. "That was a great show Elena, mum and dad even regretted not being able to come after I told them how great you were"
"Thanks Ally, you always manage to say the what I want to hear"
"Of course I do, what kind of big sister would I be if I didn't?" She sat down next to me and hugged me tightly. "I bet Theresa and Jessie were blown away by your performance too"
"I hope so" We embraced for a few minutes before stopping. "Also, you don't have to worry anymore. I no longer blame myself for what happened"
"Oh? And who got you to stop blaming yourself?"
"That would be my boyfriend"
"That man is golden, don't you dare lose him"
"I never planned to"

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