Breakfast before rehearsal

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My alarm woke me up and I tried to get up but felt a presence behind me and an arm wrapped around me. I carefully turned around to see Sherlock sleeping peacefully.

(What's he doing here?! And why is he holding me?!)

"No...John, I won't let you take my love away from me..." Sherlock sleepily muttered.

(His love? Who's his love?)

His arm pulled me closer so my chest was against his. My face flushed as my heartbeat quickened.

(I want to move but I don't want to wake him up, what should I do?)

"You'll never have darling Jaffa Cakes..." his grip around me tightened.

(So he's dreaming about Jaffa Cakes? Wow, that's a pretty simple dream for a wonder like Sherlock)

I sweatdropped as my I tried sliding out of his grip but it was too tight.

(Only one thing for it, gotta wake him up)

I poked his cheek like he had done to me. "Wake up Sherlock!" I poked him until his eyes fluttered open.
"Miss. Walters? Why are you so close to me?"
"That's your fault! You had your arm around me and pulled me close to you!"
"It would seem you are correct" He let me go and I quickly put some distance between us. "Why are you in my bed?"
"Are you serious!? You told me to sleep in your bed!"
"I must have forgotten and come into my bed at some point"
"Jeez, how could you forget something that quickly?"
"I make use of every last bit of my brain's processing power, so I always try to delete any unnecessary information from my internal memory"
"Of course you do..." I sighed. "Well I'm going to ask John for the use of his bathroom"
"Use mine"
"I am reluctant to do that"
"John wakes up around this time as well meaning that he is currently using his bathroom. Using mine is the most time efficient solution"
"You won't find anything from any of my experiments in there if that's what you're worried about. I haven't conducted an experiment since I took your case"
"Okay then..." I scooped up my clothes, towel and toiletries bag and went into Sherlock's bathroom. There was no weird stuff so the tenseness left my body and I got myself ready for the day.

When I finished Sherlock went into the bathroom and I put my pjs away before going into the living room. An idea struck me and I went to the kitchen.

(I'll cook everyone breakfast! I hope they'll enjoy it!)

I looked in the fridge and checked what foods they had. There was a lot more than I expected along with strange smelling opaque containers that I dared not touch.

(Okay, let's make them pancakes and waffles with a side of bacon! It's what I usually have so I was confident that I could make it to their likings)


Breakfast was finished. I sighed out of satisfaction of making breakfast for four people.

(It's fun to cook for more than one person)

Sherlock came out of his room, fully dressed. "What are you doing?"
"Waiting for everyone, I made breakfast!" I handed him a tray with a plate of; four stacked pancakes covered in maple syrup and a square of butter, two waffles that were lightly coated in sugar and five strips of crispy bacon. On the tray was also a glass of orange juice.
"This is perfectly balanced"
"I already told you I eat a balanced diet so of course it is!" John and Mikah came down sniffing the air.
"What's that delicious smell?" John asked.
"I made breakfast for everyone!" I hand John and Mikah a tray each before settling down on the sofa with my own tray.
"You didn't have to make breakfast for us Elena!" Mikah stated.
"Well I know I'm here for my own protection but I still wanted to thank you guys for letting me stay here. So I thought I'd cook you guys' meals until I have to go"
"You are so kind hearted Elena"
"T-Thanks John, I'm glad you think so"
"It's good" Sherlock suddenly stated. We all looked up to see him already halfway through his breakfast where as us three hadn't even started.
"I'm glad you like it"

(I'm glad I was able to make something Sherlock enjoyed)

I happily ate my breakfast along with everyone. Afterwards, Mikah washed everyone's dishes as he said me cooking was more than enough of a repayment for living here. We bid goodbye to Mikah and John as they left for school and work. "We should be going"
"I'm ready" We left and went to theatre.


Rehearsal had finished earlier than usual as the Director had personal business that he urgently had to attend to. I was in my dressing room by myself as Sherlock was looking around for any suspicious characters loitering 'round the theatre. I happily hummed to myself as I read through the section of the script we'd be rehearsing in two days time as tomorrow there was no rehearsal. My phone beeped and I picked it up to check who had messaged me. My happy demeanour disappeared when I saw who had sent me the text. It was the unknown number. With a strong feeling of dread, I unlocked my phone and opened the message. My eyes widened in shock while my body shook in fear. I quickly put my phone on the dressing table screen down. I clenched my hands tightly as tears came to my eyes. The door opened and I heard Sherlock call me but I didn't respond. Sherlock lowered himself to my eye level and held my arms tightly. I finally acknowledged him with a faint whisper; "S-Sherlock..."
"What happened?!" He looked into my eyes worryingly.
"T-text..." Was all I could utter. He got up and went to retrieve my phone.
"If you think that detective can help you, you're dead wrong. Nobody can stop us, not even the great Sherlock Holmes. You'll pay for what you did to her " He read aloud causing more tears to flow. "He keeps repeating the same line; you'll pay for what you did to her. Do you have any idea who this female could be?"
"No, I don't know...I'm so sorry..." I closed my eyes as I cried. Then something I didn't expect to happen occurred. Sherlock embraced me tightly, he rested my head against his chest.
"There's no need for you to apologise. If you knew who it was you wouldn't have come to me for help, it was a stupid question" Sherlock whispered in my ear. His strong arms made me feel safe and I was comforted by his distinct smell as I cried into his chest. I eventually calmed down and Sherlock let me go. He stood up and held out his hand to me. I took it and we walked away from the theatre. He took me to Lucci and Mason to get lunch. I didn't talk much as I stirred my cinnamon tea with my cinnamon stick. Sherlock sighed before getting up and grabbing my wrist. "You obviously aren't going to finish that so come on" Instead of taking me home, Sherlock took me to the bus stop. "Where are we going?"
"Central London"
"Central London!? Why?"
"I have my reasons, come on" The bus had arrived and we boarded.
"Remind me to top up my bus pass before we come home, I don't have enough money for the trip back"
"We have to change buses, won't you need to top up your bus pass then?"
"Nope. If you take two bus rides within the hour, the second one is free. Two rides for the price of one"
"That's convenient"
"That's shocking that you didn't know that, it's advertised on basically every single bus stand"
"It is unnecessary information for my internal memory"
"Right, should've guessed that" I looked out the bus window while we were taken to our destination.


"Okay we're here. What now?"
"You follow me that's what" He walked off and I quickly followed after him.
"Could you at least tell me where you're going?" He didn't answer. "I guess not..."

DISCLAIMER:Some lines or scenes MAY have been taken and adapted from the games. THIS DOES NOT APPLY TO ALL CHAPTERS!!!

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