Unexpected but usual happenings

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(That's the third time I've been targeted...I can't take this...I'll have a heart attack before long...)

I looked at my leg that had glass embedded in it. It was a relatively large shard and was in rather deep. I got out the first aid kit I kept in my dressing room and got some bandages out. I loosely wrapped my hand around the glass as to not cut myself.

(On three; one...two-)

A knock sounded causing me to tighten my hand around the shard out of reflex. I always tightened my hands whenever someone startled me. "Miss. Walters?"

(Shit! Now my hand's bleeding! Talk about bad timing!)

"J-just a minute!" He opened the door anyway. "That was not a minute Sherlock!"
"You injured yourself, more precisely  the glass from the stage lights pierced through the skin of your leg"
"I can clearly see that"
"You were going to pull it out and cut your hand on the glass"
"Maybe..." I was holding my hand behind my back to hide it from him but I should've known he'd figure it out. He is Sherlock Holmes after all.
"Show me"
"Last I checked you weren't a doctor"
"I've picked up a few things from John, let me see"
"Fine..." I sighed before revealing my hand to him.
"How did you cut your hand?" He asked as he kneeled down in front of me.
"I always tighten my hands around whatever I'm holding whenever someone startles me"
"You were holding the glass and I startled you"
"Correct" He got out some anti-bacterial wipes from my first aid kit and wiped away the blood covering my hand causing me to wince quietly.
"The cuts aren't that deep so they won't require stitching up like your leg"
"G-good to know" My heartbeat was quickening and my face was reddening once again. The way Sherlock held my hand was so gentle. His face as he concentrated on my cuts gave me butterflies in my stomach. He did everything slowly yet still efficiently as to reduce the amount of pain I'd feel.

(I guess there is a caring side to the great Sherlock Holmes)

He carefully but tightly wrapped the bandage around my palm. When he was finished, he just knelt there with my hand in his. "Um...Sherlock?"
"I'm sorry..." He was staring at my hand sadly.
"W-what for?" Sherlock apologising didn't seem like him.
"You came to harm while under my protection. Protecting my client is a job I take as seriously as solving my client's case"
"Sherlock..." Looking at his sad face made my heart twinge in pain. "I don't know what you're so sad about" He looked up at me with widened eyes. "You're doing your job perfectly well if you ask me"
"But your leg-"
"Sometimes things like this are inevitable, either one thing has to happen or another has to happen. You of all people should know that being the greatest detective in London" he closed his eyes for a few seconds before opening them. They were back to normal.
"You either would have died or got cut by the glass"
"Exactly and I'm definitely sure you made the right choice" I smiled brightly.
"I see...well John will be here soon. Just sit there until he arrives"
"What are you gonna do?"
"My job" With those words, he left the room and the door clicked closed.

(Sherlock is a very...interesting man, that's for sure. My heart keeps racing when he touches me, I guess I'm not used to having men do that so it's understandable)

A few minutes later, the door opened and John came in with a large clasp bag that you see doctors carry around. "Elena!" He ran up to me before kneeling down and opening his bag. "What happened?" He lifted my leg and rested it on my footrest to keep it upright.
"I-I'd rather talk about it later..."
"I understand, I'm going to inject you with anaesthetic. It'll numb the nerve receptors causing this to hurt less"
"Okay" He got out a syringe and filled it with a cloudy liquid. He inserted it into my leg before releasing all the liquid into my bloodstream. "That feels weird" I couldn't feel my leg much at all.
"Is this your first time on anaesthetic?"
"That would be accurate"
"It always feels that way if you've never had it before. Nothing to worry about"
"Right" He got out what he needed to stitch my minor wound up.
"Ready?" I nodded my head and he began to 'sew' me up. The pain was bad but was numbed down by the anaesthetic so it wasn't extremely painful.

Guard Me Sherlock: Sherlock Holmes RouteWhere stories live. Discover now