Internet Support Group

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Phil's P.o.v.
Omigod do I dare send it? What if he doesn't read it and skips over it? All real questions I decide it’s worth a shot as I press the send button.
Dan’s P.o.v. *The next day*
I click my email and hit record. “Hello guys and welcome to another Internet Support Group.” I say feeling lonely because Phil wasn’t sitting behind the camera making faces at me or holding the wine I’d use later in the video. “Alright so the first email. Kari 15 from the United States. Help me. So my substitutes I have keep calling me karl and every time I correct one another comes in calling me Karl. What should I do?!?” I said looking into the camera again. “Okay. . . you should just deal with it. It happens to everybody nobody can just get everyone's names right. Alright on to the next one. Megan 17 from Ireland. She says, I used to love coffee I’d drink four cups a day and that was two weeks ago and now i can’t even smell coffee without going to throw up. What shall I do?” Well. . .” I said looking back up from the computer. “You shouldn’t of drank so much in a short time. Now you got coffee hatred which brings real hatred.” I said picking up my coffee cup and dumping wine in my coffee. “Alright last one. Phil 30 from Britain. I like my housemate but I don’t know if he even likes me back should I tell him or no? Well Phil you should tell him maybe he likes you back.” Just as I say this Phil opens my door walking over to me. “I love you Dan.” “Omigod so it was you!1!1!” I started to smile. “So is that an I love you too?” Phil ask looking at me. “Yess1!1!”  I said as he leaned in our lips met as I turn off the camera. “Phil Lester.” I said breaking the kiss. “You are a genius.” I start to giggle.

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