Chapter 1# meeting the OOTS( order of the stone)

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You were watching TV in ur living room, playing with ur cat milo, (srry if u don't like cats) you petted him, and he purrs. You sigh thinking about minecraft, "I really want to go there.." you think. You sigh again and this time milo runs off outside,"HEY!! Come back!!" You run after him and finally find him sitting at a black and purple portal on Main Street. You gasp. " I-is that a m-minecraft portal?!" You say out loud. Just as soon as you say it, milo runs through. "Oh no!! Come back!" You run through and quickly feel very off. You feel, blocky. You gasp again. I'm in freaking MINECRAFT!! You think. You just then see milo, in his blocky form. "THIS IS AMAZING!!" You yell and jump up and down after grabbing milo. You then here a "ssssssss" you turn around and see a creeper. " AHHH!! HELP!!" You yell as you run. You grab milo while running. You pant after running for a few minutes and finally lose the creeper. You sigh. Then you realize the sun is setting. "DANG IT!" You yell. You walk with milo until you see a treehouse. "Maybe the people here can help me" you say. You grab milo once more and quickly run to the tree and climb up the ladder. This is so WEIRD! You think before opening the trapdoor. You here a scream as soon as you climb through. " WHO ARE YOU?!" Said a young man with brown hair and blue overalls. He just then drew his enchanted diamond sword out. Milo hissed. QYour suddenly lifted by a big male with black hair, a green shirt and brown pants. "He asked you something" he said. You stammer, " I-I-I'm (Y/N)..." your scared out of your wits and just then you start sobbing. A brown girl (I'm srry) with black hair, goggles, and a green hat, then said to the male that was holding you high," Aww! Put the poor girl down! She looks scared out of her wits! And I'm Olivia by the way, and that's Jesse, and Axel." Axel put me down and apologized." It's ok" you say still a little shocked. "Why are you here (Y/N)?" Jesse asks. You then say, " I came through a portal, and I'm lost. I really just needed shelter. I'm sorry" Jesse then had a look of guilt on him and he rubbed his neck. "I'm also sorry, I didn't mean to scare you, hey, how about you come with us on a mission tomorrow?" You nod quickly. Morning comes quickly. You yawn. As you rise and get out of the bed. Milo purred while rubbing your leg. You pet him. "Ok guys, lets go get the rest of the order!" Your shocked to hear this. "What order??" You ask. The rest of the crew looked stunned. "Well, we are the order of the stone, but the rest of the order is somewhere in town." "Order of the stone? Cool name!" You say. "I wanna go meet the rest!" "Ok! Let's go guys!" Jesse said. As you and the crew walked to town, you stop by a redheads house. She was wearing a blue bandanna, and had on a black and blue shirt. (I dunno wut it is srry) "who's that?" She asked. "That's (Y/N), and this is Petra!" "Nice to meet you (Y/N)!" Petra said. "It's nice to meet you too Petra!" You say. "Let's go get Lukas guys" Jesse says. "Who's Lukas?" You ask. "He's a really great guy..." Petra said. "He also cares for others more than he cares about himself" Axel said. "I'd love to meet him!" You say. The others quickly hurry to his house and find him practicing using a bow and arrow. You just stare at him. He had long smooth blond hair, a leather jacket with an oclelot on it, and had a red stripped shirt on underneath. "Hey guys! Who's that?" He says looking at you. You then say,"I'm (Y/N), nice to meet you!" You say blushing a bit. He smiled and said," you too". "And together, we're the order of the stone!" Jesse said.

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