Chapter 6# The awakening

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"I love you........"

You jerk up and start breathing heavily. You hold your chest in pain. It's very sore. You find a scare on your stomach and try to get up. You look around. Blackness..... it's what you see all around you until you here a weak calling of your name. "(Y/N) WAKE UP!!!" You spin and try to run to the voice."(Y/N)...."
It gets weaker. You keep spinning and running. One minute. Three. Five minutes.Ten minutes. Finally the voice fades. You drop to the ground and sob. This is hopeless! You yell in your head. Suddenly you hear a voice again. You hear a different voice this time."lets go Lukas.... (Y/N) is gone......" Jesse voice. "NO! I'm staying until I DIE if I have to!!" You tear up. You run toward the voice in the right direction this time and find a portal where the voice is coming from. What the hell? (IM SO SORRY FOR THE LANGUAGE!) you wonder. you put your hand through it. "GAH!! Her HAND!! GET HELP!" You hear Lukas yell. You realize what happened. The portal... it's in the network. You jump through the portal as you yell," IM HERE LUKAS!!" Lukas starts to cry when your body disappears. He turned around and saw you standing there, smiling. "(Y/N)!! THANK NOTCH YOUR OK!" You run up to him and hug him. Everybody else joins. "WHAT?! IMPOSSIBLE!" Hadrian yells. "Unless..... NO!! The death portal? IT CANT BE!" He growled. Harper smiled at this."well, I might have NOT destroyed it like you asked me" Harper said very glad of what she done. "Not doing what your told. Very clever indeed" Ivor complements. Harper smiles at him and winks.(OMG MY OTP!) Ivor blushes. "ENOUGH!" Hadrian booms. It's so loud the room shakes. You grab Lukas as you stumble. "ITS TIME TO END THIS..." he boomed even louder this time. Suddenly, the environment changes. Your in a misty swamp. He aims for you. You dodge it this time. "HERE!" Jesse yelled as he threw his enchanted diamond sword to you. You catch it and start battling Hadrian. Crash! Bang! You keep clashing your swords together. Crash after clang. It was endless. Must....keep.....fighting.... you yell in your head. "DIE YOU LITTLE NOTHING!" he screamed through the echoes of clashing swords. He stumbles ab bit and falls. Nows my chance! You think. You aim right for his chest. Failure. Mevia blocks it with an axe. "COME ON!" you yell. Right before Mevia tried to hit you, you see an arrow go right through her chest. Lukas was standing behind her and took the risk. It worked.she stumbled to the ground and turned to smoke. "The portals not working! HAHAHA!! Good thing I had a f-bomb! I BLEW IT UP!" Hadrian yells. "YOU SICK OLD MAN!" Olivia yells. He puts a cold sickoning smile on his face. Sick. Just before you respond, you see Lukas falls to the ground, bloody from a diamond sword going through him."LUKAS!!" You scream. His bloody armor, the pain, Lukas's deep blue eyes, you start to cry. "I love you Lukas," you say through sobs."I-I-I love you t-too" he says coughing up blood. "Don't you dare leave me..." you say weakly. He turns to smoke. "How ya doing tiny?" Hadrian said laughing evilly."your... gonna....PAY!!!" You scream at the top of your lungs. You just run after him and keep trying to stab him. "What's the point?! I already killed your boyfriend!" "......" you give him the cold shoulder, grinding your teeth, fisting up your hands, you grab Lukas's bow and arrows, and aim for Hadrian many times. He dodged them. All but one that hit him right in his shoulder, causing him to wince. He grabbed the gush and said," this is pointless.. you'll lose anyway so just give up now!" "NEVER!" You scream. You jump on him, causing him to fall. Then you deliver the final blow. You push Jesse's sword right through Hadrian's stomach. "You'll, pay...for that..." he grunted. He coughed up blood then he turned to smoke. "Oh I'm just getting STARTED" you say. You walk away with the crew following you."he lied you know right?" Harper asks you. "About what?" You ask. "The death portal, it's still there. He lied" a voice says behind you. You turn around. "LUKAS!" You run up to him and hug him tightly. "I thought I lost you..." you say managing not to cry. "You didn't think I would ABANDON you right?" Lukas asks. "Of course not!" You say unsure. "But Hadrian and Mevia won't ether. We need to destroy the portal. For good." Jesse says. Everybody nods and runs to the portal network.

CLIFFHANGER!! BECAUSE IM EVIL. Im so sorry for not updating as often. Enjoy the book!

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