Chapter 8# the great surprise

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It's been 6 months since the Hadrian incident. You and Lukas are walking. He won't tell you where your going. "Tell me!" You pleaded him. He shakes his head and says," Where here". You look where he is to gasp. Your at a beautiful dining table outside a beach with a perfect view of the sunset taking place.

 Your at a beautiful dining table outside a beach with a perfect view of the sunset taking place

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You and Lukas walk up to the table. As you do, you touch the gentle red roses and sniff one." This is amazing Lukas," you say breath taken away. "Well, I try my best. It wasn't easy. I had to BUILD this since the price for one was too much." Lukas says proud. "Your the best boyfriend ever!!" You say jumping into his arms. He playfully kisses you. "Lets go eat," he says. You nod and go to sit down when Lukas pulls your chair for you. "After you mam" he says posing as the men do in the movies when they pull a chair out for a lady.(if u know) "Oh how genteel," you say kissing his cheek. He blushes and sits down. You do too. You and Lukas chat for what seems like hours, and every few minutes you saw him turn redder and redder. He looked worried and looked a little sweaty

-Lukas PVO- (this is the only time I'm doing a PVO ok?)

My hands were sweaty. I was really panicking inside.

-back to normal-

You gaze into his eyes. His deep deep blue eyes. They were like a never ending ocean. His eyes glisten in the sunset. The sun sets and you and Lukas talk a little more. You then say,"lets go home". "There's one more thing before we go," Lukas looked VERY nervous now. Is he okay? You wonder. He takes a deep breath and sighs. "Are you ok Lukas?" You ask worried. He turns red as a beet." (Y/N), your the most amazing girl I've ever met, and I never want to leave you...." he says as he bends down on his nee. You gasp. "And to make that happen, I want to make you mine," he says unsteady. He pulls out a black box. He opens it, revealing a beautiful diamond ring.

You have tears of joy in your eyes as he continues," (Y/N), will you marry me?" "(You tell me your response in the comments!)" you say squealing

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You have tears of joy in your eyes as he continues," (Y/N), will you marry me?" "(You tell me your response in the comments!)" you say squealing. You jump into his arms as he swings you around, laughing and kissing you playfully. You put the diamond ring on, gazing at it. "Cmon lets go home" Lukas says. All you can do is smile and nod. You both walk home.

Eh? Eh? You liking the chapter? I KNEW YOU WOULD! I though it was time and I was so impatient. TELL ME YOUR RESPONSE IN THE COMMENTS!

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