Chapter 4# unwelcomed guest

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As you and Lukas walk back in the treasure room, you see a brown female with white hair, goggles a little like Olivia's, and a brown cloak like Ivor's, talking to the crew. "hey Harper!" Lukas says. "Is that the woman that created and help destroy PAMA!?" You ask excitedly. Lukas nodded. You walk up to Harper and say,"is nice to meet you Harper!" Harper then turned around and asked,"how did you know who I am?" You then say,"I'm (Y/N), and Lukas told me about you" Harper then said," anyway, back to business, Hadrian and Mevia have escaped and now are searching everywhere to find this world and to destroy it. You gasp. "WHAT?!" Jesse said shocked. He looked very worried. Lukas told you about them, how they were killing people for sport. Awful. You shudder at the thought of meeting them. "We have to go and stop him!" Jesse yelled. By body language, you can tell he's pretty upset in both ways.(sad and mad) You sigh. Lukas notices and hugs you. You smile. "Well lets go kick. His. Butt" Axel says aggressively. "Lets go!" You say with pleasure. Later when your in the portal network, Lukas stays with you. You smile again. Man, he's really cute... you think. "Let's not waste time now, lets go and find Hadrian!" Harper says. "Oh that won't be necessary," you turn around startled. Hadrian was right there. And so was Mevia. You back away slowly. Your terrified. Lukas gets in front of you. "Let's not be hasty shall we?" Hadrian said with a dark chuckle. "What's wrong with you?!" You yell at them. Hadrian was surprised at first but then said," Nothing is wrong with me, but something's going to be wrong with YOU if you don't SHUT UP!" Lukas gets his arrows and bow. He aims at Hadrian."One more step, and. Your. Dead." He said coldly.

OMG THIS IS AWESOME!! I hope ur enjoying this book!!! Tell me what u think in the comments below. What will happen? Will you fight Hadrian? Will the world be destroyed? Will it matter anymore? (You'll see what I mean in a few chapters) >:)

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