What's happening here?!

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Cry pov :
Luckily living in Florida and running often made it easy for me to withstand the unbearable southern heat . Dan however wasn't used to heat like this and would more than likely get dehydrated and pass out.

I found him sitting on a bridge crossing a dark swampy creek " Dan!" I yelled causing him to jump . I caught him before he got up to make a run for it " Bro what happened back there ?!" .

Dan's eyes were pale brown and filled with terror. " T-that house ! Th-that's not my Phil!" Dan panicked . I put my hand on his shoulder to try and calm him down but he was as paranoid as schizophrenic off their meds.

I managed to get him sat back down and breathing normal . " Dan tell me what happened. I can't help you unless you tell me" I informed him calmly.

" he ... he changed!" " he changed?" " that's not Phil ! He doesn't have the nerve to say something like that " Dan said shaking a little . " Dan ?... have you been sick and taking Antibiotics lately?" I ask knowing the shit those fuckers can cause in this heat . " no ..." .

I had completely forgotten about the pouring rain somehow and managed to drag Dan back to the gazebo where Felix and I were earlier. "Now tell me again what happened " . Dan rambled on about Phil not being himself. I didn't want to believe him but he was in fear and at this point no choice but to believe him .

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