Picture's Within

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Thomas glanced at the old lady as he walked up the steps.  He thought, what did she bring back to be her slave.  Don't make any sense."  They reached the upstairs and began going left instead of right, not really remember what his grandmom said, after the cleaning talk, he forgot everything else she had spoken before that.   As he walked left.  He hears whispers behind a closed door.  He stopped in front of the door and listen.   "What are we going to do?  The boy has no idea."   "We must find a way to inform him what's that thing is planning on doing."  "How? How in the world, when we a stuck in here."   "I'll get you out!" he said as he quickly opened the door and saw nothing but a room that was wall to wall filled with so many paintings.  Yet there was one wall that was empty.  Though it had shadow stains for where there was once a painting hanging.

"Hello, you can get out now, I've opened the door!" he yelled as he walked in looking at the pictures on the wall.   "Wow, look at all these paintings.  I wonder who painted them.   Strange, not one person looks happy." he whispered as he walked through the room.  

"Hello, I know I did hear voices coming out of this room.  Hello!" again he yelled.   The someone come into the room behind him, "Hey boy, what's wrong with you?  Do you know your left, from your right?" Mr. Riddle asked as he grabbed him by the arm and walked him out of the room.  "I'm sorry, I thought I heard someone," he explained as they both exited the room.

"You sure you heard something?  There's nothing here but a bush of pictures on the wall," said Mr. Riddle   "Well, this place is big, maybe it was the house making noises.  But I know I heard something." said Thomas   "Look, boy whatever you heard is not important.  Mrs. Anderson wants the yard clean.  Go take care of that right away, or the only thing you'll be hearing it's her yelling at you, and believe me it not pleasant." said Mr. Ribble as him to the right, to his room.

"Is she really as mean as she looks?" asked the young boy   "Boy, you don't want to know, that B is worst.  Hurry put your things down and let me show you the yard.  If you do at least half before dinner, she might let you join her for dinner.  Now go to the boy." said Mr. Riddle as he showed him the yard and left him there.

Mr. Riddle was the cook, servant, doorman, you name it, he did it.  He left Thomas in the yard working as he went back upstairs, to the room on the left.   As he walked in he looked at all the pictures on the wall, "Hey, I guess the boy can hear you.  I don't know how I wish I can hear you. I miss you so much.  Why did you leave me?  If you would have asked I would have quit and gone with you.  My beautiful family." he said to a picture with his wife and two boys.   

Tears ran down his face as he walked out and headed to the kitchen to begin preparing dinner.  Now, Thomas began to rake the yard for rocks first, before he used the lawnmower.  "This is not cool at all.  Mr. Riddle made it sound as though she not going to feed me if the work is not done. If that's the case, she should have left me in School." he thought as he continues to work.  Amazingly Thomas finished the yard completely and he did a very good job.

When he was done he put all the equipment away and headed to the kitchen where he knew he'll find Mr. Riddle.   "Excuse me, sir, I've completed the yard," he said as he walked in.  Mr. Riddle looks through the window and noticed the beautiful job he did.   "Wow, the yard looks great.  Young lady, you earned yourself a snack.  Listen to what I'm about to tell you.  Don't tell Mrs. Anderson that I've given you a snack.  She punished me, understand me boy?" he said he handed him a sandwich, a piece of cake, and a glass of chocolate milk.   "Sit, here, when you are done, put your things away and clean yourself up.  Come back and meet me back here," said Mr. Riddle with a smile.   "Thank you, sir, that's a lot," said Thomas as he ate his food.

Thomas ate his food, when he was done, he saw Mr. Riddle busy so he washed his plate then headed to his room.   As he walked up the steps,  there were large paintings over the stairway. He began to hear the whispers again.  "That's the boy right there!"   "Are you sure he can hear us?  "Don't be silly, no one can ever hear us."   "Stop it!  Alright just cut it out!  I can hear you!" he yelled as he ran up the step into his room locking the door behind him.  "What the hell going on here?  I must be going crazy, Every voice I heard was different. 

Suddenly I want to go home,  back to school I mean." he said as he began to put his things away and clean himself up.   Once he was done he was going to head back downstairs then he remembers the voices so he took some tissues and made to small balls then placed them in his ears.   "Now I'm ready, talk all you want, you are not driving crazy," he said as she walked down the steps with a smile.   Then suddenly his smile changed when he heard a voice that whispered, "Cover your ears all you want, you will hear us until you help us."   Thomas quickly ran down the steps and into the kitchen, tripping over a chair in the process.    

Mr. Riddle looked him, "What now, did you see what's attach to the voices." he asked with a giggle.   "No, I didn't hear anything, I missed my step, that's all it was.  Mr. Riddle can I help you with anything?" the boy asked trying to change the subject.  "Sure, roll this serving table to the dining room.  Do you know how to set a table?" asked Mr. Riddle.   "Yes, sir, they show us in school." he replied   "Good, then go set the table, while I finish here," he said as he finished up with the cooking.

Thomas did as he was told.  Then he heard someone call his name, this time it wasn't strange voices, it was his grandmother who yelled out his name.   Thomas quickly ran into the den, where he knew she was away sitting and knitting.

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