Picture's Within

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The following morning Thomas was awakened up by an annoying fly.  He kept trying to smack the fly without any success, he stood up then got ready and headed to the bathroom.  

Thomas began to brush his teeth when again the fly began to bug him.  He waved his hand as he kept trying to smack the fly out of the air.   Zzzzzz, the fly wouldn't stop annoying him.  Then with a good aim, Thomas hit the fly and it landed in his water cup.  Thomas stared at it as he tried to get out of the water.  Then he noticed the fly had a face.  "Help me!  Don't drink me!" said the tiny insect.   This caught Thomas by surprise.  He slowing with one finger began to withdraw the fly out of the cup.  He places it in the palm of his hand to take a closer look.    

"Shit for a minute there I thought of was losing it.  This fly has a face," he whispered as he stared.   The fly began to catch his breath as he shook the water off.  "This is how you say thanks to someone who's trying to help you?  Dude, not cool, not cool at all." said the fly who was still standing on the palm of his hand.

"My goodness, you can talk?" he said  "Of course, you can talk, I can talk.  Look, boy, you are wasting time.  You must stop that thing.  You read the newspapers you must know by now it's not human.  So, listen up, in two days that eclipse that brought her here, will appear again.  She has a chamber somewhere underground.  She has others like you frozen for travel.  Every ten years, this large rocket appears and take away lots of human bodies.  I say bodies cause I really don't know if they are alive or not.  Then the rocket disappears like a flash.  This will be happening soon.  She needs you to finish filling up the chambers." explained the Fly   "Does she really eat people?" he asked  "You saw what the butler served her, you know that wasn't cowed beef she was eating." said the Fly  "I'm a kid, what can I do?" asked Thomas  

"We must open the chamber doors,  somehow we need to wake those people back up, that's if they're still alive." explained the Fly  "Really?  How?  Right now I'm scared of my own shadow. So how am I going to accomplish that?" Thomas asked as he puts on his shoes.   "I'll help you.  I know where the chambers are hidden." said the insect.  "I'm a kid, besides, I must do what Butler sends me to do." said the boy  "Yes, that I know, but I do believe there are four chambers still unoccupied, he will send you out again to make friends. Then we can take the opportunity to go search the chambers that are occupied." explained the fly  

"I'm not going to lie to you, Mrs. Haddy scares the crap out of me.  This is not going to be easy," said Thomas as they headed downstairs.    While they walked by the portraits on the wall, he could hear their whispers, as they said hey, hey boy, over here, no over here, which made Thomas very confuse and made him run down the steps to avoid the noises.

"Why are you running?  Those are the spirits of the already dead, he also needs to feed, while he collects and gathers food for his world." said the fly  "What do you mean food?  We are people not food!" yelled Thomas as he got closer to the kitchen.   The fly quickly flew into his shirt pocket and hid, when Butler's sees Thomas walking into the kitchen and asked, "What's not food?" he asked for that was the only part of the conversation he had overheard.   

"What?" said Thomas trying to change the subject.  "I heard you talking to yourself about something that's not eatable?" the Butler asked as he placed Thomas breakfast in front of him.  Thomas quickly made something up, "It's nothing important, I just had a bad dream."

"Oh, well, eat up, and go milk the cow.  Then feed the other animals.  When you're done that, come to see me." he explained.    Thomas began to eat, happy that he believed his lie.  

The Bulter continued with what he was doing, leaving Thomas alone in the kitchen.  "Hey dude, give me some." said the fly.   "Shut up, he's going to catch me talking to you again and I'm not a liar," he explained as he ate.  "Come on, you don't believe in sharing.  Just let me stand on your pancakes for one second, just one second, man!" insisted the fly.  "Look, nothing personal, but if you try to touch my food, I will smack you across the room. " said Thomas  "Wow, not cool, not cool at all." said the fly as he drools and stares.

Thomas finished his food.  He went and done all his chores, with the fly still sitting in his shirt pocket.

When he was down, he headed back into the kitchen with the pail of milk.  "Here you go, sir.  Now what?" he asked as he places the pail on top of the table.

"I need you to go make some friends today and I mean make friends.  So here, I've made some cookies, these you give to make friends and these I need you to keep in your pockets, and when you're alone with any of your soon to be friends, then you can share those." he explained   "Why?  What's the different's?" he asked  "Thomas, what did I tell you about asking any questions?" he said  "Sorry about that." he said as he walked out of the house heading to the playground, still with the fly keeping him company.

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