Picture's Within

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They were now on the road heading to Denise's home.  The fly began to whisper thing into Thoma's ear, "Kid, she a grown up, she can help you."  "Shut up!" he whispered back.  "What, replied didn't say anything." replied Dereck  "What? Sorry, Dereck I was just thinking out loud," replied Thomas as he stood silent for the rest of the ride.

When they arrived at her home, she told them to wait a second before stepping out of the car.  She looked around making sure no can see the boys entering her house.

She quickly got them out of the car and into her house within seconds.   As she enters her house last, "Hey, Denise, I was waiting for you to get home.  I have brought something for your daughter, give me a second I'll be right back." said Annet the next door neighbor who ran back into her house.  "Shit this lady has some timing." she thought to herself as she waited with her daughter on the porch.   Annet comes back out of her house with a large white teddy bear. "My boyfriend won the last night at the carnival.  Well, he really won, two, I don't need to of the same teddy so her, you go princess," she said as she handed Denise daughter the teddy.   

"Now what to do say to Annet?" she asked her daughter.  Then the little girl whispered softly,"Thank you Annet." walked away with the teddy into the house.  "Thanks, Annet, look I had a hard day at work today, I stopped by the park after work, I do need to rest for a while." she explained  "No, it's all good, I just wanted you daughter to have the teddy.  We can talk later." she said as she headed to her door.  "Annet, thanks again,"  she said as he walked into her house and closed the door behind her.

"Now, you boys, just sit here, I need to get my daughter a bottle and put her down for her nap, once I've done this, we really need to talk," she said as she picks up her daughter and places her inside the playpen, then went into the kitchen to make her bottle.  Once, Denise, had her baby settle down for her nap, she went back to talk to the boys.

She first grabbed her little brother Dereck and gave him a tremendous hug, along with serial kisses.  "Boy, I'm so glad you found your way out of the creepy house." she said  "You, know mom and dad, wasn't so lucky.  Sister, why I'm I still a child?" he asked with concerned.  "I don't know, what happens to you.  Tell everything you remember, maybe we can make sense of all this," she asked as then she handed the boys something to eat.  

"Well I do know that thing in there ate our father, but mom I'm not sure.  Sis, it froze me, in time. I feel the same way I did when it first caught me.  Maybe that's why I'm still the same age." he explained.

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