Picture's Within

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Thomas entered the room, "Grandmom Haddy, did you happen to call me?" he asked her with a smile. "Of course I did, it's dinner ready?" she asked in a strong muscular voice.   "Yes, we're done setting the table and dinner should be ready." he replied  "Did you clean up the yard like I've asked you?" she continued  "Yes, I'll go and check on the yard, let Riddle know that I'll be there in two," she said as she headed to check on Thomas work.  

Thomas walked back to the kitchen as he passed the painting of his parents, something quickly caught his attention.  "Somethings different on this picture, mom and dad weren't smiling when I first saw it, now they are.  Also, there are extra people in the picture's back round.  Maybe this is a different one." he whispered as he examines the frame realizing it was the same one.  "Shit, maybe it's on in my head, being though they're my parents. For real, for real, this place is beginning to creep me out," he whispered as he proceeded to the kitchen.   "Mr. Riddle, grandmom said she'll be here in five, have everything ready," he said as he sat down at the table.  "No, boy get back up! Hurry don't let her see you," said Mr. Riddle as he started to place the hot food on the table.  Thomas was a little confused, as he stood back up.  "Stand next to me boy, and stand straight."  Mr. Riddle said as he took out ahead chair.

Then the floor kind of shook as they heard the steps coming towards them.  Thomas noticed that Mr. Riddle was acting afraid.  He noticed the fear in his eyes.  When he saw Mr. Riddle looked at him and noticed him looking in his diction, Thomas put his head down.   Mrs. Haddy walked into the dining room.  "Boy you have done a good job," she said as she sat down on a chair made of some weird looking bones and horns that Mr. Riddle was standing near.   

"Serve my food, then you too may have something to eat in the kitchen." she said as she began to grabbed these large long sticks of meat."    After Mr. Riddle serves her food, he grabbed Thomas by the back of the shirt, "You really don't want to be here." he said as he lets go of the boy on the way to the kitchen.  Thomas took a looked back when he saw his grandmother opened her mouth and her jaws expanded then revealed sharp needle-like teeth.  That moment Mr. Riddle dragged him away right on time when his grandmother glanced in his direction.

"Boy, sit right there.  Never look back, or if she sees you, your next on that table," he said as he places some mash potatoes, peas and a small piece of ham.  Right now Thomas was tea bit confused, while will he be on the table? What did he mean by that?  Look at my plate, tiny piece of ham, grand got a plate filled with meat, weird looking meat, they look like Osteradge legs. Are they are eatable?" he mutters to himself as he started to eat.

Mr. Riddle sat across from him, "Boy there is a lot of things you must learn if you want to stay around.  Now eat your food, and to stay out of her way.  Once I've seen you to your quarters for the day, whatever you hear, lock your doors and stay inside your room. Have you been listening?" he asked as he ate and talked.  "Yes Sir, I've been all ears.   May I ask why? Why so many rules? Why if I don't clean, I can't eat? Why do I get a tiny piece of ham on my plate after all the work I've done? Why does my grandmom have big needle looking teeth?" said Thomas then he places the tiny piece of ham in his mouth and stared at him.

"Asking all these questions aren't going to make things easier for you.  Do as I say and you will be fine.  Now, when you're done eating, you can go and rest.  Tomorrow, I'll be waking you up about five in the morning, I must show you your morning chores." he explained as he finished eating then proceeded to wash his plate.   Thomas was done, so he stood up from the table. Mr. Raddle grabbed his dish, "You can go rest now." he said as he began to wash the plate.  

"Thank you. Mr. Riddle, are you telling me that, I should eat like a robot do as I say without any questions, cause if I don't someone will take out my batteries?" asked Thomas before walking out of the kitchen.  "You know I've never heard anyone put it that way before. But that what I want you to do.  Goodnight boy, see you in the morning." said Mr. Riddle as he continued to wash and clean up the kitchen before heading to bed himself.      

Tomas turn and headed to the stairway, he passed by his parent's picture, "Good night mom and dad." he whispered as he passed by.  When he was almost to his bedroom door he heard the whisper of the voices again, "Good night sweetie, believe." in a soft tender tone.

Thomas was about to enter his room when the whisper stopped him in his tracks. "Jesus, I'm really losing it, I could swear that I hear my mom's voice just now.  I must be tired, my back hurt and I clean that whole entire yard on my own.  This is not a good day, too much work and no play, I'm only nine." he whispered as he entered his room and threw himself on the bed.  He took his shoes off and slowly began to fall asleep.

It was about two in the morning when a loud horrible sound of death traveled the across the air.  This made Thomas jump right out of his bed.  "What in the world is that?" he said as he went to the window about to look out and about.  When he heard the whispers again, "Boy, don't look out there, that is none of your business!" said the little voice     Thomas quickly moved away from the window and followed the sound of the voice.  "Where are you?" he asked as he walked around the room.  "Look on the wall boy!" said the little girl    Thomas looked around, the walls were filled with about ten different paintings all of the different people, in a different decade.

He approached the first picture, "Who, was talking?" he asked again as he stared at the picture in front of him.  "Look, boy, it wasn't me, go to my neighbor, the little girl is the one talking, now stop staring at me, go on now boy, get!" said an old man in the portrait.   "Sorry Sir," he said as he walked over to the next painting.  She was about twenty different children posing in different ways.  The picture was in a setting of a park and the children were on the swings and sliding board.  when Thomas there wasn't any activity in the portrait.  "Look at me, If only I can go back to school, I'm going crazy and it's only the first day.  I'm talking to a picture," he muttered as he was about to turn to walk away.

"Don't go, please stay." said the voice again  He quickly turned around, but this time he did see the person behind the voice.  He rubbed his eyes, just to making sure he wasn't seeing things. The little girl in the picture had two long black pony tales.   She looked pale with black bags under her eyes.  Thomas was frightened, but he didn't run.  As he glanced at the portrait again, the little seem to walk forward, for now, her picture was a close-up. and you couldn't really see the other children in the background any longer.   "Are you really there?" he asked with a studded.  "Yes, I'm here.  I understand that your name is Thomas.  My name is Destiny. Don't look out the window, if she sees you, she'll put your in here with us." said the young girl who was about his age.  

"How? There is no way, this is all a dream.  More like a nightmare, but it's not real." said Thomas as he covered his eyes.  "This is all real boy, so move your hands away from your eyes and face reality," said Destiny  Thomas slowly uncovered his eyes.  "What is going on?" asked confused  "Quiet, jump into your bed someone's coming," she whispered as she moved back into the picture.   Thomas quickly jumped onto his bed and pulled the covers over his head.  There he stood silently, although his knee was shaking, he kept his cool.   

The door opened up, there stood a large creature with a big head and needle-like teeth.  It looked around the room, then looked straight at the bed.  Then it speaks to a younger virgin of the same species, who was standing next to him. The sound was similar to the sound that beetles make but louder.   Thomas heard the sound and their heavy footsteps.  He continues to keep his cool and didn't move.  His heart was beating out of his chest.  His knees were shaking, some of his hands.   In the language that they squeak, the mother told the son, let's go, his sleeping.  Tomorrow, he'll find you some good to eat.  He can stay alive as long as he doesn't see who we really are."

 "Man I was hoping he saw us, I like something fresh.  Now I have to wait until tomorrow, it's not fair." said the small beetle looking creature.  Then they closed the door and proceeded on their way.  Thomas did it move, even if he wanted to, he wasn't able to.  The body was somehow glued to his bed.  Destiny didn't say another word, she realized it was too dangerous for Thomas for them to communicate at night.   She will speak to him again in the morning, besides the boy need his rest, for tomorrow he was a slave again.

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