Picture's Within

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Thomas couldn't sleep.  He kept hearing a whisper through the walls.   He then remembered the picture he saw of his mother.  He figured maybe if he sees his mother's portrait, he is able to sleep.

He tips toe downstairs.  The hallways were very dark and cold.  He stared at the picture when suddenly his mother began to speak to him, "Thomas, it's me.  I'm your mother.  You must get out of here, that thing is not my mother.  She drinks our blood and eats our flesh with no remorse.  She not from this world.  Remember the man on the train." she said    Then sounds and the smell of a reptile fill the air, the spark squeaks that hurt his ears as he ran back to his room.

He quickly went into his travel bag.  The man on the train gave him a folder filled with old newspapers. He read each story one by one.  

In 1899 the eclipse of the night.  Turned the day until into a long night.  On the that the sky opened up and a metro fell out of the sky at the same time.  The little town was completely wiped out with a disease that dried up their blood.  The only survivor was an old lady that lives on  Cottman Street, with her three stepdaughters.   Thomas kept reading as his heart kept losing beats. He continued to read.  Then he saw something that scared him out of his pants.  It was grandmom Haddy, the same way she looked at them, she looked now.  As he stared at the portrait, her face change into a blood-sucking creature, not of this earth.   The boy scared and quickly put the papers back into the folder.

Thomas mind began to fly all over the place, wondering what in the world was that thing that he saw, and what really was going on in his hometown. Then Thomas came across a poem, that read, "Watch out for Mrs. Haddy my friend. Make sure that you hide as you kids. She likes to drink blood and feed on their flesh. This is not an old lady at all.  Watch out for she'll get you all. Figure out a way to kill this creature today. or soon we will be its feed. Kill it I say, don't let it escape, she goes by the name of Mrs. Haddy.

"Mrs. Hddy, that what grandmom asked me to call her." Boy, I really want to go back to school now.  Thomas kept reading when he became sleeping, he quickly hides the newspaper in a safe place.  It didn't take much time to fall asleep.  After all the reading his eyes were tried and closing on their own.  Then after a couple of minutes, he was fast asleep.

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