Picture's Within

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Thomas went down the road towards the playground.   The fly was still traveling with him.  "So, while are you going to the playground when we have work to do?" asked the Fly as he flew around him.   "You heard the Butler, I must go make some friends," explained Thomas as he continued to walk.   

"Look, boy, you can make friends later, we have plenty of time for that.  Turn right here, to the left.  Now up to this hill, then a couple of miles up that road, there's a circle of large stones, the center stone is fake, it can be moved easily.  Then down the black hole, we should go, I saw the chambers down below.

"You know you are going to get me killed," said Thomas as he turned in the direction that the fly insisted.    "Boy, no one will hurt you, while I'm around.  I'm a fly with an attitude, but only one difference, I do like playing in shit." said the fly with a smile  "You know that's nasty right?" asked Thomas making weird faces.  "So, what?  What's shit to you, is, heaven to me." said the fly as it followed him around.

Thomas smile as he went on his way.  The fly continued to point out the direction as they turned and climbed up the hill.   He stops was a moment as he takes a look down.  He saw the playground was filled with lots of children.  "Look, I could have given out these cookies by now.  You know I can't return back to the house with them," said Thomas   Then they fly flew by his hand.   "Well, I'll take one, I'm you, friend," he whispered as he licked his tiny legs.   

Thomas somehow was tired of him asking him for food, so he broke a piece of cookie and placed it inside of his pocket.  Then without hesitation, the fly flew into his pocket to eat.  Then he spotted the circle of rocks.  "Hey, fly!  Was this what you were talking about?" he asked as he approached the rock circle.

The fly flew out of his pocket out of balance for his stomach was so full.  "Yes, go ahead boy, you found it.  Now you see that rock in the middle, pull it up," he explained.  "What I look like to you, Hercules?" asked as he walked towards the center of the circle.  "Boy, you don't need to tell me that you are weak, I can see.  Now just lift that thing up, it's not heavy," he said as he flew his tiny self to the lid and lift it up a little to demonstrate that it wasn't heavy at all.

Thomas quickly moved the aluminum broad out of the way.   He looked down the dark hole. There weren't any steps, but it was too dark to jump.    "How are we going to get down there?" he asked as he started.  "Give me a second, I'll be right back." the fly said as he flew away.

Thomas sat down, a little afraid.  His mind kept wandering off, seeing different types of monster come out of the hole.   "Hey boy, I'm back!" the fly zzz as he comes flying with thousands of fireflies, to give them some light.

They flickered and blink as they surround Thomas.  "Wow, this is beautiful and awesome.  How did you do this?" he asked as the fireflies began to enter into the hole.   Thomas jumped in right behind them.  The light that the fireflies provide for perfect.  Thomas was able to see as he walked through the halls of the tunnel.

Thomas was surrounded by fireflies as his friend the fly lead the way.  They approached a large steel chamber.  The doors of one of the chambers were wide opened.  He walked inside when he saw about twenty people lying against the wall, in glass-like coffins.    

"Hey Mr. Fly, you were right.  These people seem to be in some kind of deep sleep.  "Open it now!  Free them, free them!" yelled the fly as he showed Thomas what to do to free the humans.  One by one he began to open each glass coffin as the fireflies surrounded each human, and gave them the heat of their light which made them wake up.   "What going on?" said one of the men as he was waiting up. 

"No time to explained, follow the trail of fireflies, they lead you to the exit and out of this tunnel." continue said Thcontinuesopening the rest of glass coffins.  All together they freed twenty people, who were in a deep hypnotic sleep.

The people exit the tunnel, with no recollection or memory of how they got there.  Some didn't know their names at all. Once they were all out, Thomas placed the lid back to its normal way.

They all walked in a group back to town to explained to the police what just had happened to them and thanks to Thomas now they are free.  

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