The Girl Who Lived... Through Draco Malfoy - Chapter 25

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I was so thankful it was the weekend. I just couldn't bring myself to go to class after learning that I was practically doomed. Delia and I sat in the library at one of the desks hidden in the corner, away from everyone else.

"What happened to you last night?" she broke the silence. I looked up from the page I'd been staring at for the past ten minutes, trying to make my face look as normal as possible.

"There were Squads all over the hall and I couldn't get in."

"Well, Harry had a sort-of vision of Voldemort at the Ministry. He's looking for the prophecy of the two."

"Yes...the prophecy." She laughed silently, shaking her head.

"It's some crystal ball type thing that will tell the future of the battle between Harry and Voldemort."

"So I'm guessing we have to put a stop to it." She nodded.

"Harry's already planning a trip to the Ministry. Next week after curfew we leave via floo network." I nodded, returning to my book. We would finally be doing something to stop Voldemort and if this prophecy thing was so important to him we needed to get it before he did.

We sat in Umbridge's office, staring at her millions of cat photos. Before we could even try to leave, Umbridge and her Inquisitorial Squad were waiting for us.

"What were you planning?" she asked Harry, Draco and his goons holding their wands. I avoided Draco's eyes, knowing they'd be full of disgust.

"Nothing. We were just going to study." He lied.

"Don't lie to me. I know about Dumbledore's Army. What were you planning? What is Dumbledore's secret weapon?" she was getting hysterical.

"It's in the woods!" Hermione interjected before anyone could say anything. We all looked at her, confused. "Dumbledore's weapon is in the woods. He's keeping it there because he knows no one would look there."

"Fine, then let's go take a trip to the woods." She grabbed the wands from Draco. "Stay here with them." Draco and his goons nodded. They left and everyone stayed silent, Delia and I giving each other nervous glances. What could Hermione possibly be thinking of?

"I have to go to the bathroom." I lied, not wanting to sit in awkward silence anymore.

"Well, hold it." Draco ordered.

"I can't. Really." I begged.

"Too bad." what a little git.

"Fine. Then I'll just go right here. I'm sure Umbridge will really appreciate that." I smirked.

"You wouldn't." I could tell I was getting to him.

"Try me." it was a staring contest now. Our eyes were locked and we were both looking for the other to waiver. He sighed, turning to Crabbe and Goyle.

"Watch her." he pointed at Delia then handed them our wands. "Come on." I stood up, following him out the door. We walked down the hallway, Draco's footsteps echoing loudly. "Here." he stopped in front of the bathroom.

"What? You're not coming in? Who's going to watch me and make sure I don't fall in?" I laughed and I could see the anger building on his face.

"I don't want to be with you any longer than I have to so will you just go already?" I shrugged.

"I don't have to anymore." his fists clenched at his sides.

"Quendie!" Draco and I turned to see Delia running down the hallway with her wand out. Before Draco could lift his, she had stupefied him and he fell to the ground. "Harry, Ron and Hermione are back. We're going to the Ministry on Thestrals." we started running down the hall.

"What happened to Umbridge?"

"She was abducted by Centaurs." we both laughed as we ran outside, meeting Harry, Ron, Hermione, Neville, and Luna in the forest. We flew to the Ministry on the Thestrals which I couldn't see, but Luna and Harry insisted were there.

"We have to go to the Department of Mysteries." we followed Harry into a room filled with giant shelves of crystal balls. It seemed like the aisles went on and on forever.

"How do we know which one?" Hermione asked as we continued to walk. Harry didn't answer, but rather kept walking. Then he stopped and picked up a ball.

"This is it." he said, turning it in his hand.

Suddenly we were surrounded by Death Eaters who were dressed in black robes and masks.

"Thanks so much for finding the Prophecy for us. Now hand it over." I recognized that voice. Lucius Malfoy.

"Never!" Harry yelled, stunning the Death Eater nearest him. We all followed suit, stunning anyone in our way as we ran towards the door. A cloud of black smoke blocked me off from everyone else. One of the masked men grabbed my arms and lifted me off the ground. We were moving too fast to see where we going, but I could tell we weren't in the Ministry anymore. This was it. I was being taken to Voldemort and that was the end.

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