Break In

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Daryl Dixon x Reader

"...and take everything I have until there is nothing left, until it's just your voice in my head. And when the lights come on, you see me as I am...".

- "(Y/N), come here" Shane called out at a certain distance from the camp and the others. 

You could feel the palms of your hands starting to sweat and your mouth starting to dry as you came closer to him but you did your best to hide it all away. As far as he knew, there were absolutely no reason why you should be this nervous around him and you wanted to keep it that way.

Daryl's eyes followed your back without you realizing it, as a shot of anger ran through his bloodstream almost instantly.

As fate would have it, Dixon had fallen in love with a girl in the middle of the freaking apocalypse but the tricky thing was, he wasn't exactly acting like it. 

On the contrary, ever since Rick found you lost on the road and took you in with him, Daryl had been treating you not so well, to say the least.

Okay, he treated you like shit.

At first he thought you were a waste of time, another mouth to feed and another ass to protect. "A dumb chick with nothing to give" as he once described you loud enough for you to hear it but as days went by he realized how wrong he was.

Your characteristic sense of humor and witty remarks had stolen from him way too many smiles he'd like to admit. Not to mention you were an excellent fighter and learned how to defend yourself in just a few short lessons with Grimes.

But he also knew how easily you could break. He recognized your patterns well. All too well. The way you isolated yourself from everyone every now and then and how your sobs sometimes filled the silence of the night. Yeah, he knew a thing or two about that kind of pain so it was nearly impossible for him to not feel drawn to you, in levels he couldn't even begin to understand and at this point, he wasn't sure he wanted to.

So naturally, as he saw you walking side by side with Shane into the woods, jealousy invaded his thoughts. He imagined the worst; that his minimum to none chance with you was about to turn into a plain zero.

- "What's up?" you asked nonchalantly with your hands on your backpockets. 

The sun was setting and you only had a few minutes of light left so you got to the point right away. It was obvious you wanted to get this over with as soon as possible. 

He yanked your arm strongly, taking you to behind a tree as he looked back, escaping from everyone's sight and making sure of it. "Shane?" you questioned his actions with a slight concern. "You're hurting me" you exclaimed.

"Look kid, I know that you saw me and Lori the other day". 

You froze. 

- "Yeah" you released yourself from his grip, the expression on his face scaring the crap out of you. His eyes had a whole new level of angry and for what it looked like, he wasn't afraid to hurt you if he had to.

- "But what you saw, was nothin' okay?" he chuckled, running his hand over his face. "I mean, I know you and Rick get along pretty well but I think it'd be a real shame if a walker unexpectedly jumped out of nowhere on us right now and I'd have to tell everybody that you died". 

You listened to him carefully, trying to show absolutely no emotion to the guy that was actually threatening to kill you right here, right now over some stupid affair everyone was already aware of. Except for Rick, of course. 

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