One ・ Part II

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Daryl Dixon x Reader

"Just promise me, you'll never leave again".

There was absolutely no way for you to know if a run was going to go bad or not. No matter how cautious or wary you think you were, things sometimes went south and the unexpected came knocking on your door in the most unimaginable ways. 

After saying goodbye to Aaron, you found yourself riding shotgun with Aiden. Sooner than the expected, the community was falling short of both food and medical supplies so you were sent on a run to a town near by.

 Unfortunately , the town was completely empty; forcing you to make a judgment call. It was either camp in the woods for a few days and move around from town to town in attempts to find something, anything or go back home with your hands empty.

The car ride was mostly quiet, you spend the time just looking at the window, losing yourself in your thoughts again, getting a glimpse of the walkers that were still standing by the side of the road, some of them starving, some of them too weak to even walk. After two days of driving around with absolutely no idea where to even look, you stumbled across a washed out town that, to your surprise, had a well stocked house with just a few walkers inside. 

It was supposed to be an in and out kind of thing but by now you should had known that things were never that easy. A run gone wrong, they would call it. But it was so much more than that. 

Taking as much as you could from the upstairs bathroom, you overheard male voices coming from downstairs. No signs of a fight or shooting were heard so you figured Aiden had managed to escape without drawing too much attention to himself. Or at least that's what you hoped for.

As quickly as you could, you moved to the master bedroom and hid in the closet. You listened carefully behind the thin door as they babbled some nonsense from the hall. 

Until it finally happened, one of them entered the room you were in. 

It was fight or fight right now, so you prepared yourself to go down swinging as you heard the steps getting closer and closer to you. 

I know it's not something you usually think about, and there is definitely no such thing as a good way of checking out, but this was not the idea you had in mind. 

- "Hey, a truck just took off!" other one exclaimed before the man got a chance to even open the door and find you.

- "Son of a bitch, he took it all!" one threw his arms to the air, raging mad.

At this point, you were hoping they would be blinded by their own anger and they'd leave to search for other houses but that'd be too easy, wouldn't it?

A man opened the door to find you, forcing you to react as fast as you could and instantly throwing yourself at him. You reached for his neck in just seconds, the silver blade entering the flesh, killing him right away.

 It didn't took much time to the others to realize what was happening. You put a good fight, no doubt about it but they were just too many. 

This was the end of you, you could sense it as the voices became less and less audible and you started to feel like you were in some sort of boat with waves crashing beneath your body. And instead of feeling fear, you felt calm. Pure calm.


Was this what death was like?

Back in Alexandria, things had changed. Rick Grimes had become a new member of the community, along with the rest of his family, including Daryl Dixon. 
Four days had passed and the group was still getting used to the idea of having a freaking roof over their heads, hot water to shower and of course, access to food and water every single day.

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