Stay Alive For Me

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Maggie Greene x Reader

"The sun will rise and we will try again".

There is a definitive moment in your life when you become aware of the fact that you have found your person. I'm not talking about someone you'll spend the rest of your days waking up to each morning. I'm talking about that person who is going to be there for you, thick and thin, whether you want it or not. 

Some of the signs that someone is your person can be described while others are so intangible that they honestly defy words. It's just a feeling, a gut. You get each other. With no good explanation or any logical reason, there is just a thing that is present in both of you and it is the same.

Maggie Greene was your person.

The connection you two had when you first met back in highschool was shockingly instant. You saw each other and immediately, from that moment on, you felt a little less alone and a lot more understood in the world. 

Before you knew it, your families were becoming one and spending holidays together back in the old Greene Family Farm. Even you both went to college, miles away from each other, you still found the means to keep your friendship intact.

That was the kind of relationship you had, one that was not defined by circumstantial things. You sticked around in each other's lives because the thing that tied you wasn't superficial, it was unchanging. The one good thing staying constant in your lives.

When all hell broke loose, you were staying in Hershel's farm; a coincidence that was almost as if fate wouldn't have wanted you two to go through such chaos without each other. 

You watched her fall in love with Glenn, in the most beautiful way two people can actually fall for each other. 
The second Rick Grimes's group arrived to the farm and saw that little sparkle in his eyes when he first saw her, you knew those two were doomed to be together.

Of course she completely refused to do something about it. As she once stated, falling in love in the middle of this chaos was not only selfish but actually incredibly stupid. You encouraged her to talk to him anyway; to forget about the world for just a second as if nothing was happening right now. 

Ironically, she did the same for you two months later when she found out you had let yourself hopelessly fall for the Dixon boy but were too scared to even admit it. Not even to her.

- "Tell him. What's the worst thing that can happen? Look around ya" she said with the characteristic determination that defined her. "The apocalypse can wait".

And the apocalypse waited. 

You poured your heart out for Daryl to see, unveiling a new kind of love you had never felt before. You never bought all that 'soulmates' crap that movies and songs tried to sell you but if it indeed existed such thing as a person destined to be with another, this was pretty much what it would look like. He could see right through you, your fears, your dreams, your light, your dark, and everything in between.

Yes, Maggie had that kind of impact in your life. She had been there for you in the best and worst times of your life; even before the break, when you were too weak to function after the death of  both of your parents in a car crash and all you wanted to do was to push everyone away. 

She stayed. 

She stayed because she knew, you'd do the same for her. 

And when that time came, that's exactly what you did. You held her in your arms as she sobbed the death of her father, and when her little sister was taken out from this world way too soon, you were there to remind her she was strong enough to overcome this.

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