Dark Paradise

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Daryl Dixon x Reader

"Your face is like a melody, it won't leave my head".

The West Georgia Correctional Facility had been your home for a few months now and you were all still getting used to the idea of sleeping calmly without having to worry about walkers eating you in the middle of the night. 

It was a normal afternoon when you decided to help the rest of the women with the laundry since you had a few hours extra hours of freedom before taking over the guard post early in the morning. The ladies got into a silly debate about who was the best looking guy within the group, instantly making you cringe just to think about it. 

To be honest, love wasn't something that caught your mind. 
Not even before the break, when happy endings were actually possible. Sure, you had a few boyfriends throughout your young life but that was about it. It didn't help that you pretty much sucked at dating, plus, words and feelings were definitely not your thing. And now, naturally, it had just gotten a whole lot worse. 

I mean, it was the apocalypse out there, who was thinking about these things anyway?

Apparently, everyone.


"What about you, (Y/N)?" Lori asked intrigued to hear your response. "See someone you like? You can totally say my husband, I won't be mad" she teased making the others laugh as well.

- "No, I don't think so no" you said not giving to much thought of it, with a polite smile.

- "Come on, be honest! There's gotta be someone" she encouraged you to answer. "Don't be shy".

- "I'm not being shy" you chortled. "I seriously can't think of anyone".

- "What about Daryl?" Carol asked making the other women let out a squeak, your cheeks instantly tinting red. 

- "Oh lala, what we have here?" Lori raised her eyebrow, completely teasing you with the rest of the girls "I think we hit jackpot, look at those pink cheeks!".

- "What are you talking about? How could I be into him if the guy doesn't even look at me in the eye?" you scoffed, laughing your nervousness away.

- "He's shy, that's all" Carol explained and you believed her since you knew how close they were. "You would make such a cute couple".

- "Maggie, back me up on this one, would you?" you pleaded to your friend but all she did was shake her head.

- "I wish I could (Y/N) but I agree with them" she chuckled "you two would look really cute together". 

- "Okay, match-makers, my day has officially ended" you got up of your chair, the girls asking you to stay a little longer. "Sorry, I have the early shift to cover. Thanks for the little chitchat" you said storming off with a smile on your face.

Were they drunk or something? 


You and Daryl?

It was something impossible to picture in your mind. 

The second you two met back on Hershel's farm you noticed how different you were. 

A recently graduated college girl with the world at her feet and a 'redneck asshole', as he once described himself, pictured together. 


It was safe to say, the only thing you two had in common was the apocalypse. You had belonged to two different worlds your whole lives so it was understandable that you never had much to talk about.
 In fact, your relationship was pretty much non-existent. You tried to approach a few times and even managed to make him laugh once or twice but that was about it. 
Just simple glares and polite grins to each other could sum up your entire friendship. 

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