Hearts Don't Break Around Here

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Daryl Dixon x Reader

"She is the sweetest thing that I know, you should see the way she holds me when the lights go low".

Silence was something you still cherished despite of the state of the world. The sounds of nature were the only thing you wanted to hear but considering the little fact you shared a camp with a group of random survivors, this was something you almost never got the chance to enjoy.

Luckily, almost half of the group had spent the night in the city making errands in hopes of finding food and water so you found yourself waking up early in the morning to really appreciate the silence of the camp. Water flowing, birds singing and wind blowing, it was the closest to heaven on Earth.

You got out of your tent, stretching your body and waving at Shane who had been in charge of keeping an eye on the perimeter. You looked at the sky, clouds nowhere in sight and the sun barely showing over the mountain. 

It was going to be a good day.

You climbed to the roof of the RV and spent the morning covering the guard spot and enjoying the warmth of the autumn sun on your face. Daryl came and went every two hours looking for his brother as he spent most of his time out in the woods and away from the group. 

To say the guy wasn't good with people was actually self-explanatory but for some reason you still couldn't put your finger on, he got along with you just fine. He waved at you from the ground before storming off to the woods again and it just made your day a little brighter. 

He had that effect on you, every single time.

Yes, of course. You had completely fallen for the redneck the minute you met him but honestly, I couldn't blame you. As much as he liked to act as a tough guy with absolutely no emotions inside, he had a sensitive side and a heart of gold. 

In the early stages of the break, you found yourself having awful nightmares. Vivid images of your whole family being eaten alive in front of your eyes, every single night. It took you at least a month to get over that and they still haunted you from time to time. One night in particular, probably sick of hearing your sobs, Daryl entered your tent without saying a word and he held you as you cried your nightmare away. Once you were feeling better, he asked what was wrong. The only one in the camp who had the guts to do it and actually listen to what you had to say. 

And he listened, all night until the weight of the world finally fell off your shoulders.

However, your friendship was farther from perfect. You had absolutely no special treatment despite of the nights you spent talking about each other's pasts and he sometimes yelled at you the same way he yelled at the others but you knew he cared about you in his own rare and out of the ordinary way.

The group of the city had finally arrived back to the camp and it was complete chaos, to say the least. Lori was unexpectedly reunited with her husband, who was presumably considered dead and Shane was already losing his mind over it. Amy and Andrea were happy to see each other again, so was Dale to see the two sisters alive. Looking back, it was a happy atmosphere in general. 

That was until they started to explaining how they were forced to leave Merle Dixon handcuffed to a roof because of his temper. You couldn't help but to climb down to meet with your group.

- "I'm telling you man, going back is a mistake" you heard Glenn saying, running his hand through his face as the idea of going back to the city sunk in his mind.

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