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Daryl Dixon x Reader

"Deep down I know that this should be the last time I come over, you always leave me such a mess"

"Alright people, these are your duties for the week" Rick lifted a piece of paper in the air to everyone sitting in Alexandria's church. "The ones I do not name, you know what that means, help somewhere. Be there if you're required" he ordered determinedly.

Lately, he had been assigning you the big runs, and you loved it, the feeling of doing something for the community was amazing, but after a streak of runs gone wrong, you were hoping to sit this one out.

"Daryl, you're with (Y/N). I need you to make a few runs to a town a couple of miles away to the south" Grimes ordered.

Thank you, Rick. You thought to yourself.

At least you weren't the only one who was sick of it; you heard Daryl scoffing as he walked away from the church with his crossbow on his back, not really caring to even exchange looks with you.

"Wow, you can really hear his disappointment from here, can't you?" you joked making Glenn crack as the rest of the people made their way to the new positions.

"Want me to talk to Rick? I can totally trade places with you" Glenn offered, and it was too sweet of him to do so.

"It's okay, the universe is just testing me" you teased, changing the tone of your voice into a more lower and satirical, "(Y/N), if you survive these silent, angry and full of tension runs with Daryl Dixon, I can assure you, you will survive the freaking apocalypse". 

Everyone around laughed, including Rick from a distance, as we walked towards you.

"What's up?" you said with your hands on your back pockets.

"I wanted to apologize, I know you and Daryl don't get along" he ran his fingers through his beard, a bit of nervousness creeping on his face.

You and Daryl don't get along. 

That's one cute way to put it. 

Daryl hated you with everything he had; come to think of it, probably every cell of his body actually despised you. Everytime you spoke, every time you came near him, he'd left the place, he'd roll his eyes. 
And Rick wasn't helping either; it had been three weeks since you've gone on runs with him and the tension between you had unexpectedly arisen. You were taking it with as much humor as you possibly could, but it really hurt because deep down you, sort of, kind of, liked him.

Okay, fine. You really, really liked the guy.

"What do you mean? That's just how our friendship is. You know, I go on runs with him, he wishes I was dead. It's all completely normal" you said sarcastically.

"I'm glad you haven't lost your sense of humor" he chuckled.

"Two more runs, Rick. Two more runs, and that's it" you patted him on the shoulder as you made your way to the door. His voice stopped you right at the door-frame.

From a certain distance, you noticed Dixon was already sitting on the steps of your house with a cigarette between his fingers. His bag and crossbow already over his shoulders.

"5 minutes" you said walking towards the door not even caring to look at him, knowing he was just about to rant about you taking forever to gear up.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Sep 21, 2017 ⏰

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