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(Aria 👑 has added Ezra 🚴🏻 to this chat)

Ezra 🚴🏻 : Wait! Before you say anything, in exactly two weeks from today I need you to do something with Spencer.

Aria 👑 : Ummm...okay....?

Ezra 🚴🏻 : What?

Aria 👑 : Nothing, except the fact that two weeks from today is a Sunday and thats cartoon day.

Ezra 🚴🏻 : I know but please for me?

Aria 👑 : Why? You aren't going to bring some girl over and get her pregnant to right?

Ezra 🚴🏻 : I would never. Because I want you to spend a Sunday with Spencer..

Aria 👑 : Okay Ezra give up the lying. What's actually going on and don't say nothing because you and I both know its something.

Ezra 🚴🏻 : Okay fine. I have an interview for a job.

Aria 👑 : But you work at Hollis.

Ezra 🚴🏻 : I know but if I get this I get more pay and we can support the baby more.

Aria 👑 : Ezra I'm going to get a job as well. Stay at Hollis.

Ezra 🚴🏻 : Aria just trust me.

Aria 👑 : Why can't I be there? Are you scared that they won't take you because you got a sixteen year old pregnant?

Ezra 🚴🏻 : Aria no! Never! I just need to do this alone. Please.

Aria 👑 : Fine. You can do the interview alone and you can live alone as well.

Ezra 🚴🏻 : Aria what are you on about?

Aria 👑 : I don't want to live with you anymore. We'll work out a schedule where you can see your child.

Ezra 🚴🏻 : Aria? What is going on? I'm not embarrassed that your my girlfriend or pregnant. Aria if they don't take me because of that then screw them. Your more important than any job.

Aria 👑 : Yeah well apparently this job offer is more important then me.

Ezra 🚴🏻 : Aria I never said that! Can you stop for one second and just listen please! I love you so much and everything that your saying isn't making sense to me! What did I do wrong Aria?

Aria 👑 : Ezra?

Ezra 🚴🏻 : Yes?

Aria 👑 : I'm sorry I got mad at you. I wanted pickles and we ran out and my mom is too sick to go buy any and my mom doesn't want me to drive or go anywhere by myself and I really want pickles.

Ezra 🚴🏻 : Bahahaha 😂😂 your too cute 💖. I'll pick some up and I'll come by. I love you Aria.

Aria 👑 : I love you too Ezra, but I'll love you more when you get me my pickles. 😊

Ezra 🚴🏻 : Already on it.

(Aria 👑 and Ezra 🚴🏻 left this chat)

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