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- K O G I E -

I swear it was him.

His voice. I heard it. I swear!

I swear it was Parv.

Right now, Leo and Sparkles* were dragging me back to the house, not letting me go at all. "Seriously guys, I'm fine," I huffed, looking back at the tree I was at when I heard Parv.

"You're hallucinating. You need sleep." Sparkles* opened the door as we approached the house. "Come on.  You can sleep on the couch."

"Fucking hell." I sat on the couch and laid down, Leo getting one of my heaviest blankets and draping it over me.

"Night, Kogie," he whispered, going into the kitchen with Sparkles* and leaving me with my own thoughts.

Was Parv actually still alive, somehow, in another form? Another universe? Another time?

Rolling over, I shut my eyes, trying to get some sleep like Leo and Sparkles* suggested. There was just one thing missing from letting me do that.


I missed his touch at night whenever he rolled over and unconciously wrapped his arm around me, nuzzling his face into the crook of my neck. I missed his scent whenever he took a shower right before he hopped into bed so I could nuzzle my face into his chest and be greeted with a calm, ocean breeze or a bushel of roses, or any other thing that was made into a body wash.

Honestly, I just missed him in general.

"Kogie!" That voice shouted in my head again, making me clutch my ears in fright. "Kogie! It's me! Parv!"

"Yeah right," I growled, burying my face in the pillow, "He's dead. You can't be."

"There's a thing, it's called a ghost," the voice chuckled, "And I'm one."

"Fuck off, whoever you are." I pulled the blanket over my head.

"Just call me Parv."

* * *

Several failed attempts at sleep and a few hours later, I was sitting on the couch with Leo and Sparkles*. "Have a nice sleep?" Leo asked me, looking down as I curled up in the blanket.

"I didn't sleep at all." I looked out ahead of me, barely focusing on the TV. Death Note was on the screen, but I wasn't paying attention to it at all.

My mind was on Parv instead.

What if he truly was alive? What if he really was talking to me, in a transparent ghost form I couldn't see?

Maybe he was-

"Kogie!"Sparkles* snapped his fingers in front of my face, snapping me out of my trance. "Sorry, you were just spacing out there. What's up?"

"Nothing." I curled up in the blanket even more and turned away from them.


"I'm fine."

"Don't make me!"

"Sparks*, I'm fine." I sighed, going deeper down into my blanket as I heard a voice.

"Still confused about me?" A voice chuckled, making me jump.


"Fuck off, ghost thing." I wrapped the remainder of the blanket over my head and brought my knees to my chest.


"I'm fine!"

"Aren't you gonna answer me, Kogiekins?"

"Fuck off!"



I started shaking under the blanket and jumped as Leo wrapped his arm around me. "Kogie," He asked, "You okay?"

"Fuck off! For the last fucking time, fuck off!" I shouted, making Sparkles* and Leo turn to me in shock, "You know what? Fine. Be that way. I'm going out."

I grabbed my phone and my charger, the blanket around my shoulders, and set off.

"Oh Kogie!" That same voice taunted, "Aren't you gonna talk to me, now that we're in private?"

"Fuck off." I shivered as a gust of wind ripped through the blanket. Oh, I almost forgot that it was cold as fuck in the forest.

"Why won't you atleast just listen to me?" It asked.

"I said fuck off! Fuck off and leave me alone! I just wanna be with my fiancé right now! But no, I guess that's not gonna happen because he's dead!"

"But you are with him," the ghost thing told me, "He's right here, right next to you."

"Uh, Ghost thing that I don't know what your name is, he's not! He's six feet underground! Dead!"

"No he's not." A strange prescence swirled around me, and I shrugged it off as the ghost. "Just call me Parv, babe."

"You're not Parv!" I stopped and shouted at the spot where I thought the ghost was, "You're not Parv and you never will be! Now fuck off and leave me the hell alone!"

Suddenly, a transparent figure appeared infront of me, a smirk on its face. It had short black hair, irisless eyes, and a torn black shirt with one of the several Area 11 logos on it. "How can you not figure this out, Kogie?" The figure laughed, "I'm Parv, and that's final."

"I'm not calling you Parv. Parv's dead."

"Then just call me Alex, babe." The ghost swirled around me once again and stopped infront of me, a few feet in the air. "Even though I fucking hate that name, but hey. I just need you to call me something to address me, so people know who you're talking to. But they won't know, because you and my killer are the only two that can see me." The ghost looked strained as he said killer, almost as if he wanted to say something else but couldn't because he was being forced not to. "I mean St—fuck! Shit ow!"

"What's wrong?"

"N-nothing! I'm fine, Kogie. I'm fine."


"Y-yeah. I'm f-fine. Ow fuck watch it you little fuck ow stop!"

"Okay then. I'm just gonna ignore you then." I blocked out the ghost and continued on my walk towards my destination as the leaves crumpled under my feet.

As soon as the large building came into view, I started jogging, the now falling rain making me vulnerable to slipping.

But I didn't care.

I just needed to get there.

Get there and away from everything. Maybe even the ghost, hopefully.

Once I got there, I knocked on the door, shivering as the blanket around my shoulders got wet and started making me colder than I was before. Throwing it to the side, I went to knock again but was stopped by a walrus in place of the door.

"Hey, Trott. I need your help."

Woo I finished this finally lol
I've been stressed like all this week so this book hasn't really been priority oops
So I got this one kid in my geography class into my fanfiction... he doesn't even like reading and he said it was really good
I'm surprised he actually read it xD
Oh and today in orchestra I was one of the only two people there and it was really fun, our teacher took us to the book fair and then to our school's multi media center and then we went back and played our insturments and I played the parts of the other group of violins while the other girl played our part and it was gr8
We also learned three octave G scale and something to do with x's lol
I just got out of the shower so I think I'm gonna go get dressed xD
Adios 👋🏻

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