- K O G I E -

~     ~     ~

I smiled as Parv sat down on the grass next to me, a smirk on his face as he leaned on my shoulder. It was day of our wedding, and we weren't doing anything big. It was just us two, the rest of the band, and Strife here, smiling as we sat next to each other.

"You ready babe?" I asked, looking down at Parv as he nuzzled into my side.

"Why wouldn't I be?"

"I guess we should get started," Strife started, pulling the rings out from behind a tree, "Here. Put these on. I know how unprofessional you two are, so I'm not gonna go on for a half an hour about how God put you two together and how you two are fucking soulmates and you shall dedicate yourselves to each other and all that shit. Just fucking put the things on."

I took the smaller ring and slid it onto Parv's finger, grinning as he looked up at me, his chocolate brown eyes locking with my blue green ones.

He took the remaining ring and slid it onto my finger right overtop the engagement ring, shifting as he got more comfortable on the grass.

This was amazing. After so long, we were finally getting married.

He would be mine.


"Blah blah blah, insert a shit ton of religious stuff here, you may now kiss the groom."

As soon as the last word escaped Strife's mouth, Parv smashed his lips onto mine, earning two loud awhs from Sparkles* and Leo and a sigh and chuckle from Strife.

About a minute later, Parv looked away, squeezing on my biceps. "I love you so fucking much," He breathed, leaning his head on my chest and clinging onto me like a koala.

"I love you too, Parv." I grinned, leaning down so that my chin was now on top of his mop of messy black hair.

"I understand you two just got married, but I need to talk to Parv for a minute," Will told us, making Parv growl and release himself from my grip. He took Parv a bit from our area, then they started talking. I couldn't hear them very well, but from the way Will was shouting I could tell it wasn't going to end well. Will never shouted. At all.

"You think they're gonna be okay?" I asked, wrapping my knees around my chest and leaning against the tree, "Will never shouts." 

"Probably. I mean, knowing Parv, he could have just-"

Sparkles* was cut off when a scream erupted through the forest. Recognizing it as Parv, I jumped up and started running towards where he and Will went off to.

"K-Kogie," Strife stuttered, stepping away from Parv, "I'm sorry, I don't have a single clue what happened. We were just talking and all of a sudden a knife flew through the air and st-"

"Shut the fuck up." I knelled down to Parv, scooping him up in my arms and taking my shirt off. "Don't worry Parv," I whispered to him, wrapping my shirt around the knife, "You're gonna be okay."

I followed his field of view to see him looking up at Strife, a look of betray in his eyes. "H-h-how c-"

"Parv, stop talking. I don't want you getting hurt any more than you are already."



I was cut off when several loud coughs tore through Parv's body, releasing my hold on the knife. He finally looked up at me, tears brimming his eyes.

"Kogie, I'm going to die."

"No, you're not. You're gonna be okay, and we're gonna be happily married and we're gonna somehow get Sparkles* and Leo together because they're so fucking cute togethe-"

"Goodbye, Kogie." he breathed as Strife stepped away, leaving us to ourselves.

"No Parv you can't-"

"Kogie, I'm dying. Can't you see that? Magic can't always heal me. My time has come."

Sobs racked through my body as Parv slipped away, trying to stay alive for as long as possible. "I love you," He whispered, reaching up and holding my hand as I cried.

I finally accepted that he was going to die and breathed out, trying to suppress my tears so the last few moments of Parv's life would be happy ones.

"I love you too, baby. Goodbye."

As he took his last breaths, I dislodged myself from under him, crawling on top of him and kissing one last time. He didn't kiss back, instead just laid there as his life slowly came to an end. 

Bringing my hand up to his jaw, I pulled away and watched him. 

This would be the last time I saw him alive. 

My sobs got even louder as his eyes shut, breathing in for the last time.

He was dead.

And there was nothing I could do about it.

~     ~     ~

I woke up and broke out in a cold sweat as sobs wracked my body. Alex was asleep, half leaning into the wall as he snored. His hair was an absolute mess and he slept with a smirk on his face. 

He looked peaceful.

And cute. 

Curling up in a ball and wrapping the blanket over my shoulders, I continued to sob, flashes from the dream clouding my vision. 

It wasn't looking like I was gonna recover from this any time soon. Parv's death, I mean. 

Alex woke up, gasping as he saw the state I was in. "Woah! You okay?" He asked, coming over to me and attempting to hug my frame. 

"Does it fucking look like I'm okay, Alex?" I stopped crying for a second and looked up at him. Almost immediately after I went back to sobbing.

"You wanna-"

"I had a dream about my Fiancé dying in my arms. That's all there is to be said."


"I don't wanna get into it in depth."

"You wanna go back to sleep? I used to be a human like you, so I know they need lots-"

"I'm not going back to sleep. Not now, not tomorrow, not ever again."

"What if I made you sleep?"

"You can't make me, Alex."

"Oh I sure can." He smirked, crossing his arms and hovering in the air beside me.

"But what if I don't-"

Suddenly, Alex disappeared and I felt light headed as my stomach did flips and turns, making me fall back onto the bed.

Almost instantly, I passed out.


Aye I'm back and Noodle if you're reading this I'm sorry you're so satanic in this book I l y

^^Yes my nickname for Strife is noodle, I'm not telling you guys why tho

It's my last day of hell tomorrow! But then I gotta go back again in less than three months... fucking kill me please

I'm gonna go work on another chapter



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