* * *

- P A R V -

"You sure you wanna do this?" I asked Kogie as he loaded Sparkles*' gun, throwing some extra amo into his bag.

"I'm so fucking sure I wanna do this it's ridiculous." He got up, looking me in the eye. "You sure you don't want a weapon or anything?"

"Nah," I shrugged, "I'll be fine. I have my blood magic, remember?"

"Still, you sure you're gonna be okay with just that?"

"Kogie," I laughed, "I'll be fine. I have a tier five blood altar back at Castle Parv, with lots of mobs donating their blood to me."

"I thought you didn't like stealing blood from mobs..?"

"I started thinking that after I met you. The mobs were from when I didn't know the band, only Strife."


"Anyways, shall we get going?"

"Yeah, I guess we should."

"Then let's go."

We walked out of the house, one of Kogie's hands intertwined in mine and the other gripped firmly on Sparkles*' gun. It was now about two weeks after Trott revived my body, and right now we were heading to Strife's place.

Only then did I realise how nice it was to live out here, in the woods where there was absolutely no law. It meant we could kill Strife without having to hide from the police.

About halfway to Solution Tower, I started to regret my decision of killing Strife. I didn't want him to go through all the pain I did, wandering around as a ghost and haunting people that didn't know who you were.

But then I started thinking some more. I started thinking about how much he put Kogie through. All the restless nights he probably suffered, missing me. I remembered that one that time where he woke up in the middle of the night, frightened by a nightmare of Strife killing me right in front of him. I remembered the horror I felt as he twisted the knife inside of me around, a sadistic grin on his face. I didn't like him, the band didn't like him, hell even Ross admitted that he didn't like him.

He deserved to die, after all he's done to us.

Nobody else knew we were doing this except Hat Films, and they only vaguely knew what we were gonna do. All they knew was that we were gonna kill him. They didn't know how, though.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when we arrived at the tower, the tall building looming over us.

What happened next would change our lives forever.

Kogie knocked on the door, hiding the gun behind his back. For the first time tonight, I smiled, the thought of Strife dead drifting through my mind.

"Ugh, what do you want, Kogan?" Strife grumbled, opening the door, "Came back so your ol' pal here could finally end your suffering?"

"Actually, no, that's the exact opposite of what we came here to do."

"What? We?! Who's here with you?"

"Look over." My voice came out as a growl, even though I didn't intend for it to. Maybe it was just because I was so pissed off at Strife at the moment.

"P-Parvis?" He questioned, looking over at me in disbelief, "But-I thought you were-"

"Dead? By your hand? Yeah, that was a correct statement for about thirteen months. Now it'll be the other way around."

"What do you mean, P-"

He never got to finish his sentence before I tackled him to the ground, holding him down with my blood magic. "I-I'm sure w-we can w-w-work s-something out here, P-Parv!" He stuttered, looking up at me in fright.

Just like how I looked at him right before I was going to die.

"Now you know how I felt right before I was going to die," I grinned, making my blood magic warp around his neck with a grin on my face, "Now you're going to experience exactly how I felt. Only this time, you aren't coming back."

"Parvis, we can w-work this out!" He choked from beneath me, "We can! I s-swear we can! This was just a simple misunderstanding, it must've been my t-twin brother-"

"You don't have a brother!" I spat at him, "Besides, who would even wanna be twin brothers with you anyway?"


"You're just a stupid little engineer that likes to kill people. That's what you are. You're a killer, Strife."


"Stop denying it!" I punctured his wrist with my fingernail, making him cry out in pain. "You wanna die? You wanna fucking die?!"


"Good." I smiled, sharpening my finger to look more like a claw using my blood magic. He cried out in pain once again as I stabbed him in the neck, stopping his breathing.

"Kogie, finish him off." I motioned Kogie over with my free hand and he obliged, placing the end of his gun on Strife's temple and shooting.

He was finally dead, and he couldn't hurt anyone anymore.

"Parv, help!" Kogie yelled as he held his hands over Strife's mouth, trying to contain his ghost inside of him. Within minutes, he stopped trying, but we tied some duct tape over his mouth just for good measure.

We were finally free.

Ripped away from the shackles of fright.

Smiling, I brought Kogie into a hug, crying tears of joy into his shoulder. "We're finally free," I whispered, "Finally free from that maniac."

"Oh, you thought I was done with you two yet?" Strife stood up, blood dripping down his neck. He was smiling, looking like he was about to kill someone. "Well, you were wrong on that."

All of a sudden, he tore Kogie away from me, throwing him towards the wall. "Kogie!" I yelled before I got pushed back into the opposing wall by Strife.

"You forgot about how powerful I am, Parvis." A red aura started to dance around us, his eyes glowing the same crimson hue. "You forgot about how back in college, I used to do blood magic. Just like you. You wanna know how I know all the ins and outs of it? Because I was a blood magic master. Unlike you."


"How doesn't matter at the moment. What does matter, though, is that I'm gonna kill you. Again."

The aura disappeared and an explosion knocked me out of Strife's grip, sending me outside as the first floor of Solution Towers collapsed. "Kogie!" I yelled, my back cracking against the earth as I collided with it. Healing myself with my blood magic, I got up, running around the tower to see if Kogie was okay.

Thank god he was.

"Kogie!" I shouted, running to him through the dust of the explosion and hugging him as tight as I could. We stood up and I spun him around, smiling and laughing the entire time.

We didn't hear anything else from Strife. Plus, the building collapsing should've finished our work, so we were fine.

I put him down and pressed my lips to his, intertwining our hands as sparks ran throughout my body. It was exhilarating, knowing that my worst fear had been crushed and my fiancé knew I was alive.

And we were both okay.

I smiled, throwing him onto my back and running home, laughing the entire time.

The first thing we heard when we got back in the house was rummaging around.

"Where the hell's my gun?" Sparkles* questioned, looking through what I presumed to be he and Leo's room.

"Oh shit."




Adios 👋🏻

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