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- P A R V -

It was now about a year after Kogie and I created the bond so I could touch him, and somehow, he still hasn't figured out that it's me yet.

I can't believe it.

"Hey Alex," Kogie greeted as he walked in our bedroom, a beer in his hand. I say our because it had become a normal thing for us to both sleep in the same room; me half leaning up against the wall near the ceiling and him in our bed.

"Hey Kogie." I waved, smiling down at him. "What's up?"

"Don't know, I just wanna get really fucking drunk right now." He sat the alcohol on the bedside table and flopped onto the bed, spreading out like a starfish and looking up at nothing. "I just really fucking miss Parv right now. Wanna get him off my mind."

I nodded, floating down next to him. "I know a way to make you feel better without you getting drunk," I smirked, dragging him off the bed, "Come on. Let's go."

Kogie huffed but obliged, letting me drag him out of the house. "Where are you taking me?" He asked as I lifted him up into my arms.

"You'll see." I winked, looked down at him, and quickened my pace. I was planning on taking him over to the cliff where we were supposed to get married, but never did before Strife stabbed me.

A rush of nostalgia surged through me as the woods thickened and a path began to appear in front of us. I could remember all the times Kogie and I walked through here, hand in hand, then sat on the edge of the cliff and talked for hours and hours about random stuff until Sparkles* and Leo chased us back to the house at the end of the hill.

Kogie gasped as we passed my old watchtower. "H-how do you know about this place?" He asked, "I thought only my band and I know about it!"

"Well you thought wrong." I continued flying along the path, good and bad memories floating through my mind.

It was strange how Kogie and I got together. We hated each other at first. I thought he hated me, and he thought I hated him.

That was the exact opposite of the truth, though. We secretly loved each other, and I only told Sparkles* and he only told Leo about it. I chuckled as I thought about how childish we used to be.

Hell, I was so lost in the thought that Kogie hated me that I pushed him off the very cliff we were going to now. It was ridiculous how much we used to hate each other.

We finally arrived at the cliff and I sat on the edge, motioning him over to sit down next to me. "I remember when I used to sit up here all the time with my old fiancé, talking until the early hours of the morning," I sighed, staring off into the sunset.

"You remind me a bit of myself." Kogie slithered his arm around my waist, leaning into me. "My fiancé and I would sit out here, chatting about random things for hours until Sparkles* and Leo chased us back to the house. It'd be nice to be able to do that again."

"Yeah, I wish I could do that with my fiancé, too."

A few minutes passed in a comfortable silence when Kogie next spoke.

"Hey Alex?"


"What's your full name?"

"What do you mean?"

"Like, you only ever told me your first name. You never told me your surname or anything, and it's almost like you're trying to keep it secret from me. What is it?"

"How long have you wanted to know?"

"Since I met you. Before I only wanted to know so I could report you-"

"To who? Ghost Busters?"

"No, I'd probably report you to the authorities so they could destroy your dead body."

"I think they'd lock you up instead and think you're insane."

"Anyways, back to what I was saying. Before I only wanted to know what your surname was so I could report you, but now it's just to satisfy my curiosity."

"Curiosity killed the cat, Kogie, you know that right?"

"Shut up!" He laughed, slapping my arm. "Just tell me your god damn surname already!"

"You're gonna have to figure that out yourself, Kogan." He jumped as I leapt on top of him, my hands on his shoulders.

"A-Alex? What the hell are you doing..?"

"You'll see soon enough." I smirked, pushing him down into the ground.



"Alex what the fu-"

I couldn't take it any longer.

Pressing my lips onto his for the first time in over a year, I silenced him. He tried pushing away at first, but as he recognised me he started to lean into the kiss.

I pulled away from him and grinned, looking down at his shocked expression. After a few seconds of silence, he finally spoke.


"That's my name, babe."

He stared at me in shock for a few more seconds before engulfing me in a hug, crying tears of joy into my shoulder. "W-we need to find your body!" He shouted, "We need to! T-there's way you can come back! I know there is! You did it before, remember?!"

"Kogie, it's not as simple for me as it was for you, back when I killed you and brought you back to life." I sighed and pulled away from him, placing my hands on his shoulders. "You were dead for thirteen minutes. I've been dead for thirteen months."

"But... Parv, there has to be a way! Right?!"

"I don't know, Kogie, I could be stuck like this forever..."

"No... Parv we need to find your body! There's a way! Trott did it before when he found Lewis dead in the woods before! There's a way!"

"Fine. I know where it is." I got off of him and started floating in the direction of it, Kogie trailing behind.

We eventually got there, and Kogie doubled over, panting. "Whoops, didn't notice how fast I was flying," I laughed.

"Yeah, just show me where it is so we can dig it out."

"It's under the tree Strife killed me under."

"This one?" He pointed to the tree my body was under.

"Yeah, that one. Don't be surprised if you find a pile of bones there, though."

"I won't, babe. Trust me."

"Don't get your hopes up that I'm gonna be a living human being again, please. I don't wanna see you devastated if it doesn't work."

"Oh trust me. It will."



There's only three more chapters to this book after this one I'm a sad synthesis

The final chapter's gonna be the longest one, just like in ttow lol

Feel free to scream at me down below


Adios 👋🏻

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