- K O G I E -

I scooped up Parv's dead body in my arms and began to sprint to the Hat Films house, wanting to get him alive again as fast as I could.

It was a surreal feeling, knowing that my fiancé was alive this entire time. Yeah, I was slightly pissed at him for not telling me before, but my love for him blocked out that feeling.

"So... how's it like carrying a dead body in your arms?" Parv laughed, trailing behind me as I ran.

"It feels like I just killed someone."


We continued running to the Hat Films house, talking about stupid things on the way and laughing about them.

"Hey, remember that one time I killed you?" Parv giggled, "And now look at us. We were gonna get married two days after I got killed."

"By the way, who killed you? I have a pretty strong feeling about who it was, but I want you to confirm it."

"You see that black thing sticking out of the slit in my neck?"

I looked down at Parv's lifeless body lying in my arms and nodded, my eyes catching the black rectangle.

"Pull it out."


"Just do it. My killer put it in there so I can't say killer and his name in the same sentence without it shocking me."

"Fine." I pulled the thing out of his neck and tossed it to the side, smiling as I heard it hit the ground. "Now will you tell me?"

"Yeah, it was Strife."

"I knew it!"


"He started acting strange after you died, plus you were with him doing something at the time. Also, he didn't even bother washing the blood out of his clothing and hair afterwards. I bet it's still there."

"Oh yeah. Remember when he climbed in through the window? Sparkles* was sure as fuck pissed off at that. He never gets his gun out."

"Yeah. I'm surprised he even knew where it was."

We arrived at the Hat House and I knocked on the door lightly with Parv's dead foot, grabbing their attention. "I'll get it!" Ross shouted, the sound of fabric against fabric filling my ears.

"No, I'll get it!" Smiffy presumably got up after him, and I laughed as they raced to the door.


"I said I'll get it!" Smith laughed as a bang and lots of laughter could be heard.

With a sigh, Trott got up and opened the door. "Sorry about those two," He chuckled, pointing down to the mess of tall men on the floor, "What brings you here?"

"Uhh, yeah, so that ghost I thought was haunting me? That's Parv. And I found his body, and I know you can bring him back to life somehow-"

"Wait, Parv died?" Ross asked, looking up at us from under Smith. "Wow, didn't know. Who killed him so I can kick their ass?"

"Strife did-"

"But we plan on kicking his ass later, right Kogie?"

"Yeah, right Parv."

"What'd he say? I can't see or hear him."

"He said we're gonna kick his ass."

"That better be true. I never liked that twat. Anyways, carry on."

"Yeah, come inside so I can do it." Trott stepped out of the way, letting us inside. "Put him on the couch there."

Doing as he said in hopes that my fiancé would come back to life, I placed him on the couch, making sure that he would wake up in a comfortable position.

"Now Parv, float on top of your body. I need to bind your body and your soul together so you can be... well, alive again."

Parv did as he said, then the walrus started whispering, holding his hands up in the air as purple and red mist swirled around them. Before I knew it, Parv's ghost was gone.

"Give it a few minutes," Trott told me, "If it worked, he should start breathing again in a bit, then a few minutes after he'll wake up."

"Hopefully it did," I muttered, pulling a chair up next to Parv's currently lifeless body and holding his cold hand.

If this didn't work, then Parv would be gone forever. I wouldn't even have his ghost to talk to. I would never get to kiss him again and have him kiss back. I would never get to stare into his deep, chocolate brown eyes without forcing his eyelids up. I wouldn't be able to-

I got slapped out of my thought (quite literally) with a stinging sensation to my cheek. Looking down, I was met with the deep brown eyes of the culprit.

"Parv!" I smiled, pulling him into a kiss.

Only then did I realise how much I missed him. His lips. His warm cuddles in bed at night, or maybe even on the couch as the four of us watched anime on Monday nights. His scent as he nuzzled his face into my shoulder, forcing the smell of his shampoo into my nose.

"Okay, get out of here before you start fucking on my couch or something," Trott laughed, pinching the bridge of his nose, "Besides, we don't want your cum on there. We've already marked that couch."

"Oh yeah?" Parv retorted, "Those two down there are no better!"

He pointed down to Ross and Smith, who were now making out on the floor, both of their shirts off as they kissed passionately.

"Oh. Well, uhh, um..."

We laughed as Trott struggled to find a comeback.

"Well, we're gonna go anyways," Parv stated, standing up and almost immediately falling into my side, "We'll see you guys later."

He stumbled around for a bit before I picked him up, carrying him on my shoulders. "Jesus fuck, I never knew how hard legs were to work," He muttered, grinning into my shoulder.

"Yeah, I guess you do forget how to use them after you fly for fucking ages."

"So... shall we get home?"


Once we got home, Parv slid off my shoulders and hid in the bushes as I knocked on the door, knowing that my keys were probably inside, laying on the kitchen table.

"Hey Kogie," Leo greeted as he opened the door, "Why didn't you just come in yourself?"

"Are my keys not on the island?"

"Oh." He looked back behind him, then laughed. "Well, are you gonna come in, or not?"

"Yeah, I guess." I stepped inside and chuckled to myself as Parv slipped in at the last second, leaves and flowery shit in his hair. "Did you meet a forest elf while you were out?" Sparkles* laughed, taking a look at Parv.

"No, I met a sexy blood mage who was hiding the fact that he was practically haunting me for about a year."

"Wait what-"

"Yes, I'm back bitches." Parv stood up, shaking the floral decorations out of his hair. "Wow, it's good to be back in a human body. I missed having a heart. And blood. And a pe-"

"Parv, enough!" I clamped my hand over his mouth, laughing. "You didn't even say 'hello, I'm alive, now hug me' or some shit like that before the word penis came sliding out of your mouth!"

"Yeah, right." Parv cleared his throat, then continued. "Hi. I'm alive. Now hug me, bastards."


If I wasn't the author of this book, I would be screaming and fangirling and pissing my pants.


Adios 👋🏻

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