- P A R V -

I smirked as Kogie entered the house after Trott. "What do you need help with?" The walrus asked, looking back at Kogie as he closed the door. 

"I think there's someone haunting me."

"Why would you think that?"

"I keep hearing voices... and it's creeping me the fuck out."

"Hm... sit down." Trott lowered Kogie down onto a chair, going into another room.

"Hey Kogiekins," I smiled, swirling around him as he grunted.

"Fuck off, Alex."

"Finally learned to address me, 'ey?"

"Like I said; fuck off."

"Oh come on. You know you love me!" 

"No I don't."

"Come on Kogie! Loosen up a bit! Learn to deal with me! I'm gonna be here for the rest of your life, you know that right?"

"Which won't be for very long."

"Why?" I floated in front of him, confused.

"I can't take this anymore."

"What do you mean?"

"I can't take this anymore. You. My fiancé's death. My friends always keeping me inside because they think I have schizophrenia. But no! I don't! All of this is just because you exist!"


"No! Shut the fuck up, Alex! And stop calling me Kogie, call me Jonathan!"


So he didn't really trust me then. He never lets anyone call him by his real name unless it's formal or he doesn't really know the person he's talking to!"

So why was he letting me?

Did he actually think of me as nothing more than an acquaintance?

"Kogie please-"

"No! Stop calling me Kogie! Call me Jonathan, you stupid fuck, okay?!"

"Kogie, calm down." Trott stepped back into the room, a bag in his hand. "It sounds like Sparkles* and Leo might be right."

"They're not! It's a fucking ghost, Trott! Why don't you understand?!"

"Because he can't see me, Kogie. Just you and St-GOD DAMMIT!"

I started coughing as the implant in my neck sent off an electric current, making it burst in pain. "You alright?" Kogie asked, looking over at me with concern lacing his features. 

"N-n-no-o," I sputtered, holding my neck as spasms of pain ran through it. 

"Wait, I think I might see something, Kogie," Trott said, looking up at me, "Hm, what's this?"

Trott grabbed the black device in my neck, dragging me down with it as I yelped in pain. "What the fuck?" He questioned, "Why was there a shock device just floating in mid air?"

"Because I'm attached to it, you dumbass!" Trying to get away from his grasp and get back to Kogie, I started flailing around as he held me still. 

"Jesus fuck! Stay still and let me see how this is configured!"

"Fucking let me go and I'll stay still!"

"He said to let him go and he'll stay still." Kogie translated for me to Trott, and he nodded, letting me go and allowing me to float upright. 

"Now let's see what this is." Trott started taking a closer look at the black box in my neck, then gasped when he figured out how it was attached to me.

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