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I wanted to write this cuz I ain't got no life, and I will be doing more... Maybe?

Simon had just finished playing a game of 'The Walking Dead' and, after his outro, Josh knocked on his door. Simon gave the all clear for him to come in.

"Hey babe, did you wanna... Maybe... I dunno..."

Simon raised his eyebrows, curious as to why josh was so nervous.

"Josh, you can just ask me anything, I wont turn it down."

Simon laughed, Josh was always cute when he was nervous. At least Simon thought he was. You see, Josh did this thing where he would pull his hands into his sleeves and hold the cuffs, and then cross his arms over his chest. It made him look both broad and strong but also cute and humble. Simon couldn't get enough of it.

"I was gonna ask if you wanted to see that new film, It, with me....?"

'It' was that movie about scary clowns in the drain pipes for goodness knows why. Simon had mentioned him wanting to see it, and the 2nd night of its showing was today.

"Of course I will Josh! Why wouldn't I?"

Simon was confused, it wasn't as if they hadn't been on dates before, after all they had been dating 4 years. At first, their relationship was hidden for a whole year, it wasn't until the anniversary of that year when they finally told the Sidemen. And then the fans in the days that followed. So many of them had supported them, and only about 200, maybe 3 had hated on them. They didn't see much of it though. That's a relief.

"Its just.... I dunno. I feel like, since we haven't been on a date in a while, you didn't want to hang out with me anymore."

Simon hated to see his boyfriend upset.


Simon never thought he would ever have Josh as a boyfriend, or even himself turning out as gay. But, these things in life happen, and Simon was happier more now than ever to be who he truly was, and to have the 'hottest and most important person in the world be his' as he had told Josh many of times.

Simon got up out of his gaming chair, walked up to josh and put his hands on Josh's hips. Instantly, he tensed slightly, Simon fully knowing this would drive him insane. The amount of times Josh had to repeat to Simon not to put his hands there, or even his waist. He always felt as if the situation would turn sexual, and Josh wasn't a sexual person. But also, since dating Freya for so long, made him feel weird, as he never had a man hold him like Simon did.

"Josh...." Simons words laced with a hint of promiscuousness.

"Simon.." Josh warned, knowing full well of Simons intentions. The other two, JJ and Vik, where in the lounge, watching an Arsenal vs. Man City game, not that Vik cared, but he could make fun of all the players mistakes, and JJ when Man City scored. They would be able to hear if Simon and Josh were 'getting busy' and said that, if they were in close proximity, would have to yell to say to put headphones on or turn music/the TV up to full volume. It had happened before, and the lads refused to let it happen again.

"Baby, of course I want to hang out with you, you're too damn hot not to want to." A smirk formed on Simons lips, and Josh couldn't help but crack a smile. This was when Josh's still folded arms reached around Simon, and pulled him closer. Simon craved Josh's touch, his lips, his attention. And he was planning on getting what he wanted.

"Well then, you better get changed as" but Simon wasn't listening. He smacked his lip against Josh's and began to kiss him, deeply and slowly.

Josh puled Simon even closer, and after a few minutes pulled back and said "someone's horny" which was true, because Simon hadn't even noticed his growing bulge.

"Only for you baby" and winked. This got Josh riled up with anticipation, an urge that only the man standing on front of him could full fill. They kissed once again, it being full of passion and lust.

Lets just say, JJ and Vik where not happy to hear them two in Simons room, sucking each others faces off, or where they sucking something else......

They didn't care. Both JJ and Vik grabbed their phones, keys and some money and left the house entirely, going out to find a Nandos or a T.G.I.'s to get something to eat, as it was quite clear that Josh and Simon weren't going to see that film....

Oml it wasn't ment to turn into some sort of shitty smut but oh well..... Kinda feel bad for JJ and Vik XD

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