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Another one for you all!! Just thought to do some of these cuz why not? lets go.

*based off of pokemon go video*

Blood. Blood. Blood was all over the floor, JJ's T-shirt drenched. And a tripod stood where he once was. We had just finished filming the scene where JJ dies.... Wow. Cruel. Now, it was time for the finale scene, the one where Im running up stairs to my room, and have to fight off the 'Evil Pokemon'

"Hey Simon, me and Idiot are gonna set up tho in the hall" Micheal said, with his Australian accent.

"HEEEEY!! IM NOT THE IDIOT, YOU ARE!!!" Idiot called out... I'm a prick and I love it.

"Yeah Yeah man. Just give me a sec."

He put his thumbs up at me, and walked away.

"Hey baby" I whispered into JJ's ear, pulling him close to me.

"Thanks for helping out, it means a lot to me, you know." Shifting my body towards his.

"Aww, don't sweat it man, just doing what I can to help make a good video."

I sighed, he didn't ever call me anything other than 'Simon, Si, boss, weadgeman or bro' it was kinda irritating, everyone knew.

We had been dating now for almost 7 months, and in that time I've called him 'Baby or babe' at least a hundred times. He acted as if we hadn't told anyone about us, taking his hand away from mine, pecking me on the lips instead of kissing me, not staying in bed with me, at least for the whole night. It was fucking annoying, and I wasn't putting up with it.

He was stood at the sink, cleaning his face and hands, and I moved away to check my phone which was on the kitchen side while he did so. After all the 'blood' had gotten all over him. Then, out of no where, he literally just took his top off. In front of me.

Holy. Fucking. Jesus, someone get me a chair cuz I'm about to pass out from a heart attack.

His chest was exposed, showing off his pecs, they were built and looked like they belonged to the bloody Rock, well an over exaggeration but still, and his stomach? The lines of a six pack could be seen, slightly. However, they were toned and very obvious that a punch in the stomach wouldn't affect him that much of he tensed.

I had seen his chest, but only in a friend way. For the 7 months we had been dating, he hadn't changed in front of me, so I didn't this holy sight very often. And when I looked down at his waist where his trousers sat...

God help me now or I might end up fucking this boy right here and now

The back of his boxers could be seen, while his joggers had slipped down just pass it. And his 'V-line' as people say was very, very sharp and defined. There it was, lining the sides of his body, but also the curve towards his...

I didn't even realise I was staring so much at it till JJ slapped my arm lightly.

"Dude, you ok bro? You didn't response to my question, or your name."

*sigh mentally* he called me both bro and dude at the same time.

My boyfriend was literally friend zoning me...

"oh, sorry. I spaced out what where you saying?"

"I was saying when do we have to record GTA again?"

*another sigh * he never really was a guy about emotion but, when all you do is talk football and youtube, it can get under your skin.

"Later tody, about 9-ish"

"Ah cool. Thanks babe for reminding me" he patted me on the shoulder, and walked away to have a shower. I was left in shocked silence.

Did he just.... Am I.... He fucking did

Oh. My. Fucking. God. He finally called me babe.

"Yo, Simon? You ready?" Michaels voice rang out.

"Yeah!" I chirped.

Oh, he is soooo getting something from me tonight.

And what it was, I knew exactly ;)

Oooohhhh so, let me know of you want this one to continue and which ships to do. Might just do a Josh x Freya one cuz.. Why not?

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