REAL Minishaw

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Cuz the last minishaw wasn't... An actual story, I'm making another to make up for it.

Simons P.O.V

Today is the day. Harry is coming over. He's recently been through a pretty nasty break up with his girlfriend Lauren a couple of months ag. He was so upset, and angry, and hurt it took nearly a month for anyone to even talk to him, let alone get him out and about. So, today is the day. Its the day Harry is coming over. He's been texting me recently. Well, I was the one who got him out of his mood and to start to get over her. All ot took was a spotify playlist of you-dont-need-that-hoe songs, and to be fair, I did pretty well to did those. I made harry follow it when it had 20 songs on, and sure enough, he was sending links to songs that were on spotify and youtube of the same thing. Now, it has 46. Which is why Harrys coming over. Today. In an hour. No, 35 minutes. I'm gassed. Why? Cuz Harrys coming over. And Harrys single. We all know that he's Bi, and me being Demi sexual makes things easier as he talks to me about his problems and dilemmas. Demi sexual meaning I need emotional connection to someone before feeling a sexual attraction or desire. It can be romantic, but it can also be a friendship. So, after helping harry discover his sexuality, I started to feel a sexual desire for my friend. Get it? Haha, I'm in love with Harry.

Ok, that sounded gay. Like, I'm not straight or anything, but that sounded really gay. 25 minutes.

Harrys coming over in 24 minutes. And I'm nervous. Everyone else is out. Its just me and harry. Callux said that Harry likes me back, but I dont think he does. Does he? Callux said he talks alot about me, and Freezy said he watches all my videos, old and new, and we do text and talk alot. Both have said he heard him mumble my name under his breath in his sleep, so maybe he likes me. All of our fans know we're both... Not straight and they support us. All the house members know about my crush on harry, but Ethan and Tobi don't. And of course, harry doesn't. But he's about to.

That's why he's coming over. I said I need to tell him something. He doesn't know I'm going to tell him. Of he rejects me, its cool. I understand. He doesn't like me. And if he accepts me and maybe, maybe likes me back, we could get together. No, Simon. He might not.

15 minutes, I just got a text from him.

Boggy: Stuck in traffic, will be there a little late, sorry :( x

I read it over and over again. They told me nothing new, but I love to read the words he used.

Me: Ok, that fine. Be safe x

I worry about him, you know?

I'm sat, on the edge of my ned, lookin at pictures of him. Again. Its creepy, and staler like, but when he writes things, I can hear his voice racing them to me. Some pictures he doesn't have writing on, and I capture them myself. Sometimes, if I really miss him or want him, I capture them about... Me. And him. Together. Creepy, I know. But... I like him sooo.

10 minutes until he might get here.

What if that's just a cover up for him not to come over cuz he knows I like him so he's now going to avoid me? No, Harrys not like that. He just late. I'm sat on my bed waiting, looking at pictures while in a sdmn top and joggers. I cleaned them yesterday, and even ironed them. Surprised I knew how to use an iron, let alone where it was in the first place.

I stopped scrolling through his photos, and scrolled through my twitter feed. Nothing new.. same old, same old. I then moved to snapchat. Harrys was the only story that was up. No one else had had put anything up yet. His story was of his breakfast, a new tee shirt he has bought.. And him driving. With the caption as 'going to see Simon, cant wait. So much to tell him!'

What could that mean...?

3 minutes until he was ment to arrive, another text from harry.

Boggy: Literally round the corner, wont be long now :) x

Me: Okay, cant wait :) x

I was still sat on the edge of my bed, shaking and breathing deeply. I had a pit of anxiety pilling up in my stomach, grasping ad climbing up to the lump in my throat.

I went downstairs slowly. I opened the door to the kitchen. My knees felt weak and like I was about to pass out. I opened the cabinet full of glasses, grabbed one and filled it half way to the top with water. I gulped it down, feeling my throat thank me after. I placed the glass on the draining board, and then heard the door bell go.

He's here...

I'm sort its repetitive, but he's nervous sooo.. And I like I that way. Part 2 soon to come cuz I felt this was waaay to long.

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