Zerkstar ••••

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Just saying, I'm reading a 'how to write book' (I know, shh) so things will be trialed and I'll see how things go, and also somethings in this book isn't *true* but y'know, deal with it.

Josh had been acting weird recently. Why? Vik didn't know, but he was going to find out. After coming out as Bi, Josh had gained A. Views and B. Support from his friends and family. He even managed to encourage many people to come out, and that someone; not matter what, will support them. So, in the months that followed, it was very strange. But it wasn't. It was strange as, when going out to clubs, Josh was consistently hit on by guys, and girls. But, then again, it was ok as Josh seemed to flirt back and also it was kinda cool, meeting people who were both male and female that Josh had met, and wanted the rest to met.

But, he only had feelings for one. The one that made him Bi. Vik was a qwerty, fun loving guy who enjoyed playing video games with his friends and laughing with them. And Josh loved him. No, he adored him. Vik was a polite, small, quite lad who couldn't resist a game or two of GTA V. He did it to make videos for the world to enjoy. And Josh hated to see him sad, or stressed or anything other than happy. So when he and his girlfriend, May, broke up Josh was heart broken. Seeing Vik so sad and mopping about was bad enough, but in videos he barely said anything and rarely left his room. All he did was edit, eat, sleep and repeat. He didn't leave the house, and more than often locked the door to prevent the others from forcing him to. Josh was the only one who he opened up to. So, naturally, they got closer, and this then lead to feeling for Vik. He didn't know how, or when, but he found himself falling for his charm, his witt and his intelligence. So, when he came out, Vik was the first to congratulate him.

So, naturally, it came to a time when Josh had started to miss Vik, when he would miss a recording, he didn't see or hear the boy he loved talk in his room, or even if Josh hadn't text him on skype for a couple of hours. Josh's body yearned for Vik warmth and all Josh wanted to do was have Vik as his own. And that's what was bumming him out, he only just found out that May and Vik had got back together only 2 weeks ago. Josh couldn't believe his ears when Tobi had stated it. Vik had gone out 'to get fuel' as he told the rest; but in reality he had went out on a date with May. Hence the reason he wasn't back for so long. Nearly an hour.

"Yeah man, he just, couldn't deal with not having her as his"

Ouch. Hearing the word made Josh's heart burn with anger and disappointment. Josh was ment to be his but May got to him first.

"Hey guys, I'm back!!"

Not. Now.

Josh was near to tears when he heard Vik's voice; he was breathing out of his mouth deeply and lacing his hands together on the kitchen island, his head low and spirits even Lower.

"Hey Vik, how are you?" Tobi asked, standing from his chair to greet him.

"Yeah, I'm good man. Just broke up with Ma-" before he could finish, Simon (who had been hanging out with Tobi and Josh all day for video recordings) leaped from his chair and began to shout.


"BRO, ARE YOU MAD?!? Tell me now its all a joke..."


"Jesus, help me..."

"GUYS!!!" Vik screamed at the top of his lungs to be able to be heard

"I dont think you get it... There's a reason."

"WHAT?!?" Both Simon and Tobi said in unison.

"I love Josh."

For the entirety of the conversation, Josh's head had ben going 1 million miles an hour. But, he remained still, only his green /blue eyes followed Vik's movement. Until just then.

His head and whole body shot up straight, his hands slamming the table; as if he was about to fall off his seat.

"What.. Did you just say?"

Josh couldn't even believe what he was hearing....

"I know why you've been so upset recently, and I know, now, that... Me and May weren't right together. It's you I want, not her."

I dunno. How should I end it? I'm gonna leave it like that till I fully know what I want to happen. Let me know of you want a part 2.

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