What are these called?

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So its all "y/n" and whatever. So... Its 'you' and Simon on your first date...

"Simon! You cant say that!" You giggled as Simon did so as well. A pregnant lady had walked by and breathed in and out deeply. Simon had said it was like a Submarine coming up from the deep blue depths of the fucking ocean, and had made you laugh, but as you were in T.G.I Fridays, it wasn't very appropriate to laugh out loud.

"What?! It wasn't my fault, first thought that came to my head" he had said matter of fact.

"Honestly Simon, you've made me laugh more than I have ever in my life!!" You took a sip of your drink, and placed the glass back down gracefully. Considering your not like that, it was strange to place it so... Neatly and gently. You flicked you hair over your shoulder, but one piece had moved toward, covering part of your face. You went to move it out of the way, when Simon leaned over the table, and tucked the hair behind your ear. Your hands were just touching, and then he placed his in yours. It was strange, why would he hold your hand of he was only here because you both had mutual friends which had forced you two to go out on a date. Did he have feeling for you?

The rest of the date he held your hand, having food already. It was amazing feeling his thumb sometime rub over you knuckles, fingers or back of your hand. It was comforting, gentle and sweet. Many people had walked by and glanced at your hands, and then smiled. It gave you such a buzz every time, thinking that they thought you two were a couple.

Soon, Simon got a text, he finally let go of your hand, feeling the cold drift onto it.

"Oh..... Josh text me.... He said he wants me home..... I've already missed two GTA V recording sessions...... But I don't wanna go back." The last bit was more of a determined and angry response.

"Its alright, we can hang out another time" you wanted to sound positive, not ruin the good mood.

"Well, I dunno. I dont wanna go home, its boring recording and making videos and the editing them...."

"Hey, why don't you drop me home, waste just a little more time.. And we can continue the conversation."

So, of course, he said yes and began to rise. You did as well, grabbing your coat and bag ready to leave. Once you two were both ready, you headed out, with Simon holding you hand. You blushed slightly, feeling the redness come over your face, and then subsided as you got into his red Land Rover.

*skip car journey*

"I had a really nice time tonight"

"Yeah, it was really nice just to... Chill" Simon sighed contently.

"So... I'll see you later"

"Of course you will babes" He winked, saying 'babes' in the weird voice he uses. Just like in 'Until Dawn'

A blush rolled up your neck, feeling along for your cheeks. It had successfully found them once he leaned in and planted a peck on them.

A tingle was left where he had kissed your cheek. It was a soft and short one, but it still made your stomach do flips.

"See you later baby" he smirked, knowing that he had caused the hot flush of red. He had walked you to your front door and turned, leaving you shocked, but excited.

You sprinted inside, throwing your coat and bag down. You had burst into your best friends room.


"That's nice but I need to fin-"

Your best friend had been busy putting clothes away she had bought the other day; she was always taking her time with these things, and suddenly threw the clothes in her hands and grabbed your shoulders, stumbling over bags and clothes and shoes.

"HE DID WHAT?! Oh my god, I beg you kissed him back"

"I just said see you later to him, and he said of course you will babes"

Your friend couldn't believe this. Her face showed it; mouth wide open and eyes full of anticipation and excitement.

"And I started to blush... Then he noticed it AND FUCKING KISSED MY CHEEK AND THEN SAID SEE YOU LATER BABY"

You and your best friend squealed, something rare that happened.

"He. Is. Soooo into you!! I cant actually believe he kissed you and called you baby"

"I know!!!" You squeaked, excited and happy this had happened.

"Girl, you realise that he is gonna ask you out on another date?" Your beat friend questioned.

"Yeah... Why?" You quizzed, something told you she had a idea.

"we need to go SHOPPING!! I've seen this really cute dress that would totally suit you and-" off she went.

As she talked and put clothes away, you sat on her bed, took your shoes off and went on your phone, going through all your social medias.

"Simon will so be all over you if you did wear that"

As if on cue, Simons name popped up on your screen. A text.

Simon: Had a great time tonight, wanna hang out again next week? X

"Oh my god. Jesus take the wheel!!" Off she went again, saying how cute you two are together.

You couldn't help but laugh and smile at her, flouncing and pacing the room while flapping her arms about. You typed a reply back before your friend could get a say in what to put, she would always be toward and to the point.

You: Of course, Your place, 9 on Friday? X

Simon: Couldn't think of anything better X

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