Whatcha See Is Whatcha Get

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I had a strong feeling that I wasn't going to remember how to shop for regular clothes when this pregnancy was over.

I had spent nine months buying maternity everything. Maternity tops, pants, bras. The second I'd be able to go shopping again, it would all seem new to me.

"I can't believe you're cutting and dying this gorgeous hair." Sienna shook her head disapprovingly, taking my hair in between her fingers and letting it fall.

I had let my hair grow down to a little below my waist, it was the longest it had ever been. I had always liked it that way, where I could sit and braid it, feeling it as my nails dug into it in the shower. But Cam had always loved it long, and I wanted it gone. I needed a change.

My daughter needed to see me as a strong, independent woman. Not the heartbroken, long haired mess that would be falling apart every time her father came around.

"Is this because you want to do it or because you're doing it to piss off someone else?" Sienna went on, poking at my stomach with an amused look as I looked up from the magazine in my hands.

"Both." I responded honestly. She nodded, rubbing my shoulder comfortingly.

"Just make sure you keep some length to it." I nodded agreeing to her request.

After a few seconds, she sighed and stood up, checking the list she had spent all morning making up after seeing how much we didn't have in the house.

"I will be a few buildings over shopping. If you finish before I'm done, just text me and I'll tell you where to meet me." I nodded, smiling as I hugged her quickly and watched her duck out of the salon. I leaned back against my seat, looking back down at the magazine without taking much of it in.

I was supposed to go out to dinner with Wes tonight, so he could give me an update on his health.

I was a little freaked out, considering he had been set on being one of the ones to help plan my baby shower. I hadn't wanted one at all; Ray and the girls had forced me into it.

"Hey there, darling. You ready?" One of the stylist approached me, grinning. I set the magazine down beside me and forced myself up with a grunt, nodding.



Without much discussion, I decided to donate my hair to charity. There were kids out there, ones that would find use in it, that needed it more than I did.

Walking out of the salon, I felt as if a weight had been lifted from my shoulders. There was still some sitting there, but it wasn't as bad.

As I passed the window to the grocery store next door, I stopped to look at my reflection.

The girl that stared back was and wasn't me all at once. She still had the same kind eyes, surrounded by dark circles that no make-up could cover. She had the same nose too big for her face and the ironically hart shaped lips.

That's where the old Blake ended and the new one took over. The long hair I had once wore down my waist was a little above my shoulders, caramel highlights weaved in and out. My kind eyes were dull, lifeless, lacking any sort of real emotion other than pain.

"How about that for timing!" Sienna squeaked, pushing a cart toward me, "I hope you haven't been waiting out here too long."

"Nope. Just walked out." I replied.

Her eyes took in my new appearance, her lips pursed as she gripped the car.

"It's cute." She pointed at my hair, "A lot more sophisticated, makes you look more mature." I fixed my purse strap and laughed.

According To You (Just Like You #2) (UNDER CONSTRUCTION)Where stories live. Discover now