Back To The Start, You Still Have My Heart

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"Ms. Hart? Dr. Kendra Wellmore has called you back into the room."

I lifted my head and gripped Cassidy's stroller for support as I made my way down the quiet, long, dimly lit corridor, hearing Cass starting to whimper under the blanket. I was relieved to find that Dr. Wellmore's office was one of the first on the right side. My doctor waved me in, a grin breaking out across her face.

"Look at you, Blake! You're already looking better." she exclaimed, joining me by the door to try and help with Cassidy's stroller. She peeked under the blanket and gasped, earning a giggle out of the three month old laying inside.

"Look how big you are!" Dr. Wellmore reached down and touched Cassidy's cheek, "The last time I saw you, you were this big." She made a gesture with her arms. Cassidy giggled again and outstretched her hands to me, her big eyes glistening with amusement. I smiled back, but was interrupted by Dr. Wellmore patting the bed.

"Why don't you lay down so we can check you out? I promise your little girl will be fine."

I could still remember the look on my mom's face the minute she heard my doctor's name. I understood and had laughed the first time myself. What were the chances of a doctor having the name Wellmore?

"Have you been going to therapy?" was the first question out of my doctor's mouth once I was on the bed. I stared up at the white ceiling above, slowly shaking my head.

"I went to physical once. I don't need-"

"Honey, most people don't think they need therapy. But as your doctor, I'm going to need a pretty good reason why you aren't going." I laughed coldly, catching Cassidy reaching out for something above her across the room.

"How much time to you have?" I responded.

"You're my last appointment." she smiled, "I've got all day."


Cam immediately took Cassidy from me when I got home. He must have seen my tear stained cheeks, or maybe how exhausted I was.

"What happened? Are you getting any better?" he questioned, propping Cassidy against his shoulder and rubbing her small back as she tugged at his ear.

"Physically? She said I'm on my way to recovery. Mentally? She says I'm not even close." He frowned at my answer, as if he had been expecting it but might have wanted to think he was wrong.

"So she thinks you need to go to therapy?" he clarified.

"She said she'll be in contact with them. If I don't go, she said she'll escort me there herself." I tried to laugh at how ridiculous it sounded, but Cam didn't look the least bit amused.

"I'll go with you. Sienna can watch Cassidy. I'm sure you can take my appointment tonight." he started talking quickly, acting as if he didn't feel our daughter tugging at his ear as he made his way across the room. He grabbed his phone and walked back over to me to lay Cass in my arms. I held her, now her new distraction. She started tugging at my pinky, her eyes wide with curiosity.

"Hey, Sienna. Yeah, I know. I was wondering if you could watch Cass tonight while Blake and I go to my therapists. Yeah, her doctor finally convinced her to go. Okay, yeah, sure. Just don't have sex with my daughter in the room. Yes, okay, bye." Cam dropped his phone into his pocket and slowly shifted his body so he was facing me.

"Sienna and Robbie will watch her. I guess it'll give them some practice, yeah?" I moved Cassidy in my arms and kissed her forehead, causing her dark eyes to drift back up to me. Cam fell on to the bed beside us, a smile on his face as he stared down at our daughter.

"I'm sure it will." I replied with a forced smile. I didn't want to be away from Cassidy again for that long, but it would be for the best for me to do this. She wouldn't have a guilt ridden, hurt and emotionally scarred mother if I did this. I could give her the world and the mother she really deserved.


"Stop twitching." Cam slapped his hand against my thigh, "She's fine, Blake. She's in good hands." I wanted to agree, I knew he was right. But the mother in me was terrified something would go wrong when I wasn't there.

"I know." I breathed out, "I know." he leaned closer and wrapped his arm around me so my head was against his chest. After a few minutes of silence, Cam's psychologist stepped into the room. I immediately felt a rush of jealously plunge through me when I realized just how young she was.

She couldn't be any older than twenty five and looked like a supermodel, even in glasses and formal wear. Not to mention the smile that she flashed in Cam's direction was incredibly flirtatious.

"Mr. Mendoza." she nodded, taking a seat with one of her legs crossed over the other, "And you must be Ms. Hart."

"Yeah." I mumbled, shifting uncomfortably beside Cam.

"Cameron here tells me you've been through a lot. I'm sorry, Ms. Hart. No one should have to experience what you did." she said with a sympathetic look. I shrugged my good shoulder and avoided her eyes.

"Thanks." I whispered.

"Is there anything in particular you want to talk about?" she questioned, her eyes drifting back and forth between the two of us.

"Blake." Cam gave me a gentle nudge, his eyes glistening with encouragement.

"I. . . I feel like I'm alien to everyone around me right now." I started, keeping my eyes trained on a small piece of dust on the carpet, "Even to my daughter. I can't be the mother she deserves, the woman she needs. I can't be the girlfriend Cameron needs because he can't even touch me without my entire body collapsing in cold sweats and shakes. I'm alien to this world now." I felt Cam tense beside me at my words, but the psychologist kept a straight, professional face as she scribbled down on her paper.

"Would you like to talk about the night of the. . . the incident?" I could see Cam opening his mouth to question which incident she was talking about, but she beat him to it, "The assault is what I'm referring to as of right now."

"I don't-"

"Blake, it's okay. I can leave if you don't feel comfortable or-"

"Don't leave." I grabbed Cam's forearm and shook my head in desperation, "Please don't leave, Cam."

"Okay. I won't go anywhere." he touched my cheek gently, his thumb brushing along my cheek, "I'm here to listen as long as you need me too. So is Dr. Winston."

I stared at Cam for a moment before gripping his hand tightly. He hissed in pain for a moment before forcing a smile to his face. The doctor shifted and gave me a warm, comforting smile.

This was it. I was finally going to talk about everything that happened. And it felt as if thousands of pounds had been lifted from my shoulders. 


Hope you guys enjoyed! 

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