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*Fulham, London 19.10.2020*

I drop my rucksack on the floor in the living room and fall onto the sofa. I reach for the TV remote and turn on the screen. I scroll through the shows finding nothing interesting. I sigh out of boredom and decide to turn off the TV.
I get up and walk to the kitchen. I search for a snack from the fridge. All I find is a small note saying:
"Hey honey! Sorry for the empty fridge. I'm out, at the supermarket so don't worry about calling me! Just grab a cookie or two from the top cupboard if you get really hungry.
Love, Mum"
I throw the note in the bin and grab a stool from the corner of the room. I place it steadily on the stone floor before getting up onto it. I reach for the cookies desperately. Once I reach the box, I pull it out and throw it down to the floor. Crumbs fall onto the floor. I get down carefully. I grab a brush and sweep up the crumbs into a bin. Once I've cleaned all the crumbs I sit at the table to eat a cookie. I scroll through my Instagram while eating.

A few hours later I am sitting on my bed in my bedroom. I hear the front door's lock unlatch and the door creak open. "Hi mum!" I shout as loud as possible. "Hi sweet pea!" I hear her shout back. I listen to how the plastic bags rustle and the fridge door opens. It goes on for a few minutes before my mum shouts, "Sweet pea! Could you come down for a minute". I freeze for a second or two.
"Mum, I swear they are low calorie​ cookies!" I say as soon as I enter the kitchen and see her. "Honey what are you talking about?" She asks me confused. "Oh... Nothing" I reply, now aware that she hasn't realised anything yet. "Well, any how I have a surprise for you!" She gives me a wide grin, making her dimples really stand out. "Ooh! What is it, mum? What is it?!" I ask anxiously. Mum grabs her purse from the table and puts her hand inside. She searches through her purse for quite a while. I start to get frustrated, so I say "Mum!?". "Okay, okay" she says back. She pulls out two pieces of paper. I give her a confused look. She pushes them close to my face and I look down at what they say: MARCUS AND MARTINUS - WORLD TOUR...
I start to scream and cry hysterically. I hug my mum as hard as possible. She hugs me back. She chuckles as I let go of her. "Oh my gosh Mum! Thank you so much! I LOVE YOU". I jump up and down as I hold the tickets close to my chest.
After calming down we talk about how everything is going to work. Who I'm going to go with, what I'll take with me, how I'll get to the concert, etc. I almost can't concentrate because of how happy I am.

I start to get ready for bed, still not able to understand that I'm going to Marcus and Martinus' concert. I know it's in a little over 4 months, but I don't think there will be a moment during those months that I won't think about it. Ok, Maybe that is an exaggeration but you know what I mean.
I brush my teeth and get my pajamas on. I get in bed and place my phone on my table. I have posted a picture of the tickets on my fanpage, so I'm getting spammed with notifications. I have 13k followers which is amazing but it can get stressful. I have to turn the notification sounds off. I tuck my self in bed and slowly fall asleep.

A/N: The first part of my first story:) Hope you like it

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