Sliding into the dms

385 19 6

*Fulham, London 21.02.2020*

I woke up to my phone getting notifications. I opened my phone and looked at all my notifications.

@mirandaa liked your photo 4
Isac😍😍 replayed your snap
@tintinboi started following you
@tintinboi wants to send you a message

I clicked on the last notification. It opened to a direct message which said:

@tintinboi : Hey Tara😊 Would you already like to meet up today?

"Oh it's Martinus..," I thought to myself, "Should I really meet up with him? What if he's an actual douche. I never thought that I'd actually get to talk to them".
I allowed his message and decided to write back.

@tara.west : Oh hey Martinus😊 Like your username, hahaha. Sure we can meet up just tell me the time and place. I'll show up

@tintinboi is typing...

I waited for his reply. After just a few minutes of waiting I already gave up and threw my phone to the other end of my bed. I laid back down, feeling frustrated.
Just then I heard a ping come from my phone. I quickly got up and grabbed my phone. I opened it and I looked straight at the screen.

@tintinboi : yeah haha... I was quite creative with it😂 Anyways is it ok if we meet at *address* at 12, maybe??❤

Wow... a heart. I wasn't expecting that. I quickly replied in agreement and I ran into the bathroom. I took a shower so that I wouldn't smell horrible after yesterday. I hadn't showered since then.

After my hot shower I put on my regular clothes. I packed a bag with some sports clothes and my cheap football shoes. I thought that Martinus would probably have his own ball so I wouldn't have to bring one.
I walked to the kitchen and grabbed a ready made sandwich from the fridge. "Huh, weird I said as I held the sandwich in my hand.
I walked to our kitchen table and sat down on one of the chairs. I placed my sportsbag.
As I started to open up the packaging that the sandwich was in I noticed a small note stuck to the bottom of the packaging. I pulled it off and placed the sandwich on the table. I carefully opened up the small, folded piece of paper. It said:

Hi darling<3
I left for work early so I thought I should make you breakfast before I leave so this is it. Make sure to drink water with it cause the bread is quite dry! Anyways I'll have a late day at work so I hope you can make something for yourself! Use anything you can find in the kitchen. Hope you have a good day

I threw the paper in the bin and ran up to my room. I took my wallet and ran back downstairs. I put it in my sports bag with my clothes and other necessities.
I ate the sandwich, brushed my teeth and did my basic makeup.

I quickly grabbed my bag and sunglasses. I got out of the house and started walking according to how google maps was telling me to. It wasn't sunny, but it wasn't raining either. I kept the sunglasses on top of my head and I stared at my phone the whole time I was walking. Probably wasn't the best idea but I did so anyways.

I was about 3minutes but I didn't think that it would matter. I got to a big, grass football field. It looked so green. I looked over it's open area and I took in the brisk English wind. It always feels so good to be outside. As I looked around the field, I saw a figure of white and black. I walked towards it and I soon realised it was Martinus.

A/N: I'm sorry that this one is a bit short. I guess you could say it's a filler? I'm having a bit of trouble with what to write but I'm sure I'll figure it out:) The style of this chapter was a little bit different;)) I'm trying to be more active but it's a bit difficult. Thank you for being so supportive though<3

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