The 02 pt. 2

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*The 02, London 20.02.2020*

??:??pm (-->>this means that she doesn't know what time it is)
Darkness. I feel exhausted and I can barely breathe I hear muffled screaming and music in the background. The floor beneath me is cold and hard. I have my eyes closed but I can feel shadows moving above me. Someone touches my neck with two fingers. They are checking my pulse. I try to open my eyes but I don't have the energy. I turn my head to the side and I feel how my cheek hits the cold floor.
Someone is talking to me but I can't understand. The way they are talking makes me anxious. It's like they are hurrying and that stresses me out. I start to freak out and I feel myself shaking.
I gather my breath while I inhale the warm air. I feel how I gather energy and I quickly open my eyes. A bright light is shining in my eyes and a few men are surrounding me. I quickly sit up from my laying position. "Where am I?!" I shout at them. One of them gets closer to me and gets a hold of my shoulders. "It's ok. We're backstage because you had a blackout during the performance. One of the boys told us to get you. He saw you laying unconscious" the man explained to me while I stared him straight in the eyes. Does he mean that Marcus or Martinus saw me? Oh my god! And I'm backstage... "How much of the show have I missed?!" I ask stressed out that I might of missed the whole show. "You were out for quite a while but there's still a few minutes left of the show. Do you want to go watch the rest?" Another one of the men said. "YES!" I shout with all of my breath, which probably wasn't the best idea. I start to cough. The man has a worried expression on his face. "Maybe it's better if you watch from here" he says and helps me stand up. The other men leave and go to other passed out girls.
"Follow me" the man leading me says and keeps a hold of my hand. He pulls me through a corridor where lots of the stage workers are. It seems quite busy with them all running around looking stressed out of their minds. I guess it's expected since this is one of their big shows. Not the biggest, but big. We reach a dark area and there's a small opening. "You can watch through their. It's not the best angle, but it's something" the man says and leaves me alone. I peak through the opening and I can see the giant crowd that goes almost completely around the stage. Just a part of it is closed off to allow the performers to get of stage. I could see the back of Marcus and Martinus' heads. They were dancing with so much energy and the lights were going crazy. The music is blowing from the speakers, filling the whole arena. The boys move around the stage and start their usual dance they do with their last song of the night "Like It Like It". It's quite an old song of theirs but it's one of the fans favourites. I know the dance by heart so I start to dance it. I'm not the best dancer but I do it anyway. I feel happy and warm.

The concert has finished and the man is back. He is pulling me through the backstage area, while people are taking a small break. They have finally stopped rushing around with sweat falling down their face. I lightly pull back in order to slow down when I see a bowl of candy on a table. The man tries to pull me with him but I manage to stick my hand in the bowl of candy and I grab as much of it as I can. Once I have it in my hand I stop holding back and I stare down at the candy as the man continues to pull me with him. All of a sudden a feel something bash into my side and I fall onto the ground. I accidentally let the candy slip out of my hand and spread onto the floor. Sugar falls everywhere.
I looked up at the man that had been pulling me. He was staring down at me angrily. People were rushing over next to me, but not for me. It was someone else. I guess they were the something that bashed into my side. I slowly stood up and brushed all the sugar off my clothes. While brushing off the sugar, I look down and I see a pair of yeezys appear in front of mine. I lifted my gaze and my eyes came in contact with a pair of hazel eyes. I lifted my hands up to my mouth and whispered "Oh my god" to my self.
It's Martinus Gunnarsen... Martinus GUNNARSEN... MARTINUS GUNNARSEN!! He shows a small smile before clearing his throat. "I'm sorry about that..." he says while scratching his neck with his hand. I try to speak but I can't. I try many times but all I can do is stare and make scratchy noises with my dry throat, while he stares at me with the most amazing eyes ever. "Umm.. I'll get someone to get this cleaned up. You can come with me" He says and walks off. He signals for me to follow him and smiles.

A/N: Sorry for the continuous change from present to past and past to present. I'm going to try and keep it in one time period. I might start another story on the sidelines of this one but with a different format;).

Hopeful |Martinus Gunnarsen|Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora