So we meet again

403 17 16

*Oslo, Norway 11.11.2023*
Martinus Gunnarsen's POV

I jump up and down and do my choreography in the beat of the song. I look down at all the screaming and crying girls standing next to the stage. Oh how it feels good. I sing my last part and finish with a long high note.
"TUSEN TAKK OSLO, VI ELSKER DEG" Marcus shouts into the mic and everyone screams. "TAKK FOR OSS!" I shout and blow a kiss to the crowd. Even more screams. We run off the stage to the backstage area.

I grab Marcus' arm and I turn him around. I pull him into a tight hug. "That
.. was.. amazing" I say, out of breath. "I know", Marcus says, "The best ending for the best tour ever". We let go of each other and grabbed waterbottles from our crew.
Our dad walked up to us and we had a group hug. "I'm so proud of you boys. Now you can take a brake" he said as he let go of us and patted Marcus on the back. Giant smiles were spread across everyone's faces. Oh happy day.

We walk out of the big arena and get in our car. We went back to our hotel for the night since we were still going to stay in Oslo, for a few days. The past few months have been absolutely crazy. We had our last world tour ever. We went all around the Americas, Canada, Asia and Europe. It was so much fun. Now it was finally time for us to take a break. We had been traveling nonstop, without going back home once. It was stressful and tiring but I think it was all worth it. We've barely had anytime to even think about anything else, cause it's been so hectic. I'm just waiting to get home and enjoy the peace and quiet. I can finally start my own life, properly.


I wake up to my dad walking around our room. "What's going on?" I ask as I rub my heavy eyes. "I'm just going to meet up with someone. It's quite important so I'll see you later. Wake up Marcus and go get some breakfast from downstairs" I nodded and he left the hotel room. I stretched out my arms and legs before getting up and moving over to Marcus' bed. I give him a little shove and tell him to get up. He mumbles something back but I go to the bathroom to clean up.


Once Marcus has finally woken up, we leave the hotel room and get in the glass elevator.
"Where's dad?" Marcus asks with his deep morning voice. I laugh. "What?" He asks offended. "Nothing you just look so tired" I say and he rolls his eyes. "We literally had our biggest concert ever yesterday and you're telling me you aren't tired" he asks with quite a bit of attitude. "I'm not saying I'm tired, I'm just saying that you look funny" I say with the same attitude. He lightly pushes me and I shift slightly as I laugh again, this time Marcus joining in.
We got out of the elevator on the main floor and walked into the breakfast area. A lot of people were here since it was already late morning. We grabbed plates from the trays and started to get some food onto our plates. Basic hotel food; Eggs, sausages, fruit, etc.
We sat at a table where most of our crew was already eating at. We said good morning to everyone. Most of them would be leaving today so we were going to have a good bye party. We would be saying official goodbyes to our dancers and other crew members. It will be really hard to say goodbye to all of them but it will also be a celebration of how far we've come.

We talk and eat for over half an hour before going back to our rooms to get ready. Again we take the elevator. Just me and Marcus. We make it to the second floor before someone comes in. Two women get in but they keep their distance, staying close to the doors. One of them moves to press the button for the ground floor and gives me a glare while doing so. Why? I didn't do anything did I? To be honest the woman sort of reminded me of someone but I couldn't quite put my finger on it. The elevator first went to our floor, the fourth floor. We got out and I looked back before the doors closed. Both women were looking straight at me and I looked in the eyes of the other, younger, woman. I felt like I knew them. Maybe I saw them during yesterday's concert or some other time but I definitely saw them before.
I realized that I was still standing staring at the elevator when it had already gone down. "Martinus?" I hear Marcus say. I just turn around and walk in the hotel room. I walk straight to my bed and sit on the bed, thinking. God where do I know her from? Why am I even thinking about this so much?! I fall down onto the bed.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2017 ⏰

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