The 02 pt. 1

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*Fulham, London 20.02.2021*

Again, I wake up to my annoying alarm. I lightly scream remembering that the concert is today. I hop out of bed very energetically, even though I only got about 4 hours of sleep. I squeal from excitement and I rush into the bathroom. I take a very quick shower. Then I blow dry and brush my hair. I run down the stairs into the kitchen and make myself breakfast. "Ugh" I hear Mum moan as she walks into the kitchen. "I still don't understand why you have to leave so damn early" she says with her weak morning voice. "I need to, otherwise I won't get a good place near the stage. Mum, just go back to sleep" I tell her, while munching my toast. "I can't because someone is constantly squealing" she says and looks at me with her mad eyes. I give her an annoyed smile. She chuckles and strokes my arm. "Have fun" she says, as she walks back into her bedroom.

It's time to leave but I still have to brush my teeth. My friend, Jessica sends me a message saying she's on her way to my house. I text her back with just "k" because I'm in a bit of a hurry. I quickly brush my teeth and change into my concert clothes.
Jessica and I are going by car to The 02 (The 02 is a big dome building, in London, which holds concerts and other events). The journey will take a little over an hour since, we were going by car. Jessica got her driver's license a while ago so, she can drive us.

*The 02, London 20.02.2021*

We finally get to The 02. I can't see any other girls but they might just be closer to the doors. Jessica parks the car and we get out. We take our bags and start walking to the entrance. There are metal fences going around everywhere but no one standing in them. We walk along a path that takes us to the entrance.
A few girls are sitting near the doors, leaning their heads against the metal fences and are on their phones. They have a blanket which all of them are sharing. Once we get closer to them, all five of them turn their heads towards us. "Hey" Jessica says to them and sits down next to them. They all say "Hey" back. One of them, with light blonde hair asks Jessica, "Where are your places?". "We're going right next to the stage" Jessica tells them, with a huge smile on her face. "Oh us too!" one of the brunette girls shouts.

Jessica talks to them for hours and people start to gather in huge line behind us. I can't believe that we got to the front of the line. I feel a little left out because I've barely said a word to Jessica and the other girls. I'm not very social face to face, unlike on social media. The amount of people starts to make me uncomfortable. To be honest I'm surprised that they let us start lining up so early. Only six hours to go before we can get in.

Ten minutes till we get in!! Jessica stopped talking to the girls but she's started to scream, a lot. I've eaten all the snacks I had with me which means I don't have to worry about starving during the concert, right?

One minute! I feel how people are starting to push and almost everyone is starting to scream. I feel hot and weak. "You ok Tara?" Jessica shouts to me, because otherwise I probably wouldn't hear her. "Yeah I'm fine" I shout eventhough I feel absolutely horrible. I brush it off. I can't miss a concert I've been waiting for, for months, just because I feel a little light headed. I'm determined.
People start counting down from 10. I listen to almost 20 000 fans screaming "TEN, NINE, EIGHT, SEVEN, SIX, FIVE, FOUR, THREE, TWO... ONE!!" As soon as they shout one, the doors are open and the girls, that were infront of us, rush inside. I hesitate but Jessica takes an extremely tight grip of my wrist and pulls me through the doors. We squeeze through the people that try to get ahead of us.

We are moving so quickly to the ticket checking areas. Suddenly, I hit my head on something hard but Jessica continues to pull me. We finally stop and I hold my head. "THE TICKETS" Jessica shouts in my face. I quickly grab them from my bag and hand them to the woman standing at the entrance that would let us in. She nods and lets us in. Jessica starts running towards the stage and I run behind her. We find the girls we met earlier and we gather with them, next to the stage. Again, they talk with Jessica and I stay quiet. I just want to wait for the concert. I get out my phone and take a video of myself and how the place is filling up with people. I post it on my fanpage's story.

Some other mmers have walked up to me and said hi. I guess they know me because of my fanpage. I haven't talked to Jessica after we got to our places. The show should start in 15 minutes or so. I message my friends on Instagram. They are asking about the concert and what it's like. I tell them how I can't wait and how amazing it already looks inside, but I leave out the fact of how uncomfortable and weak I feel. If I would, they would tell me to leave. The same goes for Jessica. It's easy for the people on the internet to tell me to leave, since they aren't in the concert in the first place but it's different for Jessica. To be honest, I think that if I told Jessica that I'm not feeling well, she would tell me to go home and rest, but stay here herself. I don't think any of my friends care enough to skip a concert because of me. I put away my phone and wait for the concert to start.

A countdown begins and everyone screams as the lights go completely dark. Suddenly, two bright explosions of smoke light up in front of my eyes and I see two boys rise up to the stage. The screams only get louder and the phone screens rise. Marcus and Martinus start their singing and dancing with a whole bunch of energy. People push forward and I get pushed against the fence. It feels amazing to see my two idols right in front of my very own eyes but, it's hard to enjoy when I'm being squeezed between other people and the stage. I smile and sing along with the boys. I reach out my hands when they move near me, on the stage.

Martinus starts singing his solo in their new song and I absolutley fall in love. I mean, I've always been in love with the boys but I fell hard for Martinus. Just seeing him sing his heart out made me feel all warm inside. He continues singing and walks in my direction while Marcus walks in the other. He walks up really close to the edge next to where I am. He's just inches away from my touch. I almost start to cry. He kneels down and grabs my hand. He strokes it and looks into my eyes. Everything just stops and all I can hear is Martinus' voice echoing through my head. He stood back up and walked away. I can't move. I'm in complete shock.
Shortly after, I realised how out of it I was and I snapped back into reality. I continue singing along as my weird self. I feel so happy.
All of a sudden I feel a hard hit in my back and I loose my breath. I feel like I can't breathe and I start to panic. I fall to the ground and accidentally lean on others, jumping legs. The next thing I know I'm not awake. All I see is darkness.

A/N: I think I'm going to try different perspectives later on😊 Tell me what you think and feel free to share this with your friends❤

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